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  1. Vasrely Derian

    A Legal Question, about Syns shoutout for my YouTube Channel

    I don’t think it’s illegal, but it does sound (sorry if I sound harsh) a little pretentious to me to be using him as an ad for your channel. But go ahead, nobody is stopping you.
  2. Vasrely Derian

    [THEORY] Notes, pitches, semitones and octaves

    This is very well written! 👍
  3. Vasrely Derian

    I'm done with lead playing

    Everytime someone asks you to post a video of you playing, You don’t. It will be much easier for people to identify your problem if they can see your technique or how you play. Even if they don’t respond, go to guitar subreddits. Bunch of guitarists willing to help you out.
  4. Vasrely Derian

    Chord Progressions notation QUESTIONS!!!

    From my understanding. If a progression is in Major: The chord pattern notation thing goes like I ii ii IV V vi vii° As for a progression in Minor: The chord pattern notation thing goes like i ii° III iv v VI VII Capital Roman Numerals = Major Chords lowercase Roman Numerals = Minor Chords Roman...
  5. Vasrely Derian

    I'm done with lead playing

    I think I know the problem on why you’re not doing well. You’re impatient.
  6. Vasrely Derian

    The one thing I don't understand about music theory

    My understanding of modes are, just scales starting in a different note of that scale. Fo example: The C Major Scale. The notes are C D E F G A B. This is called the Ionian mode of the C Major Scale. AKA as just the regular C Major scale starting in C. But what if we start that scale on A...
  7. Vasrely Derian

    Where do you practice?

    @Sayonil Atleast it ain’t giant spiders.
  8. Vasrely Derian

    Time well spent

    I like to seperate all the things I need to practice into 3 days. Day 1: -Scales -Theory (Chords, Intervals, Fretboard Memorization) Day 2: -Alternate Picking Etudes + (Punisher Excercise) -Practice Songs (Alternate, Clean, Fingerpicking) -Fingerpicking Practice. Day 3: -Music Theory. -Learn...
  9. Vasrely Derian

    What new style of guitar should I learn?

    I’m planning on learning Blues or Jazz after I finish up on learning general music theory.
  10. Vasrely Derian

    3/4 to 4/4 smoothly

    How do I switch from 3/4 to 4/4 smoothly without it sounding awkward (Or having a rest in between)?
  11. Vasrely Derian

    I’m an Idiot.

    I’ll take a look into that!
  12. Vasrely Derian

    I’m an Idiot.

    The thing is, the closest music store is really really far away from where I live. I only get my strings from best buy, which is the only place closest to my area that sells strings. They don’t sell it individually. I’ll check out the video though, thanks.
  13. Vasrely Derian

    I’m an Idiot.

    If there’s one thing I’m really really horrible at, its Guitar Maintenance (Specifically Changing Strings) Today I changed my strings, I did the little loop thing that some guy from youtube told me, to keep the strings in tune. When I got to my High E string. I snapped off the slack at the end...
  14. Vasrely Derian

    Picking Problems!

    @syn I’ll take this advice. I’ve been juggling theory, technique (Finger Picking, Alternate, Bends and Vibratos) and school for the past weeks. Maybe for now, I’ll take building speed out of my practice and focus on things I’m not struggling with, then improve. Thanks!
  15. Vasrely Derian

    Picking Problems!

    I’ve been having picking problems for the last couple of weeks. My pick always gets stuck on strings whenever I play. Its getting pretty annoying, I tried everything I could search up. I tilted my pick a certain angle, I made it show only a little bit of the tip. I loosen my fingers, I lose...
  16. Vasrely Derian

    An idea for Halloween?

    Great Idea! I’d probably make a decent backing track if I wasn’t so busy with school and practicing.
  17. Vasrely Derian

    My first actual written full solo.

    I wrote a solo for Mr. Bungle’s Retrovertigo. I know, it doesn’t need one because it already sounds awesome it is. But everytime I listen to the song, I have this melody over my head that I just cannot not play. I know for most of you guys on here, sounds like your regular morning improv. And...
  18. Vasrely Derian

    Questions About Lesson 24 and 25

    http://www.phillewisguitar.com/5MajorPentatonicPositions.jpg Yes, they are both in the D major pentatonic scale. Its just in different positions/shape. Meaning they both start in different notes. The possition in lesson 24 is right next to the one in lesson 25.
  19. Vasrely Derian

    Syn’s All Etudes Avaible İn Pdf !

    Thank you very much dude, just what I needed right now!
  20. Vasrely Derian

    Any accurate tabs for the intro solo of eternal rest?

    I can’t find one, please send me a link if you do. Thank you.