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Search results

  1. D

    guitar cables

    Every guitar cable that I use at some point just goes dead, it’s not a steady decrease in sound quality, just at some point it goes from 100% sound to nothing. I guess the cable breaks somewhere internally due to moving it around all the time. So I was wondering which brand of cables do you...
  2. D

    How to make electric guitar sound like acoustic?

    Does anyone know what settings I should choose on my amp to make my electric guitar sound as close as possible to an acoustic guitar? Like in general and/or specifically for my guitar (Schecter Stealth C-1) and amp (Yamaha THR10 V2). Thanks in advance!
  3. D

    learning ukulele as a guitarist

    What are some good free online ukulele courses? Is there any course that treats it from a guitarist’s point of view? Because it would be nice to transpose guitar knowledge to ukulele rather than to start from scratch. And to turn this into a more general question: do you think learning to play...
  4. D

    A method to memorize scales

    I want to share a method that I used to memorize the major scale (or any of its modes) and that I’m also applying to learn the harmonic minor scale. In principle this method should work for any heptatonic scale (scales that contain 7 notes per octave) and can be “modified” for any pentatonic...
  5. D

    need help with improv and stuff

    I’ve been playing guitar for about 6 years, but this mostly consists of playing songs or part of songs that I like, without really paying any attention to improvisation, writing or music theory, although over the years I have gathered some knowledge about music theory. Also, I have never played...
  6. D

    How to deal with copyrights on youtube?

    A lot of people post guitar covers on youtube. I tried uploading a guitar cover to youtube once but after it finished uploading I immediately received an e-mail that my video was blocked because of a copyright claim. So, how do you deal with copyrights on youtube?
  7. D

    Tapping: pushing downwards or pulling upwards?

    What would be the best option for doing pull-offs with tapping, to pull away upwards or to push away downwards? When i’m tapping I usually use my middle finger and push away downwards, Syn seems to do this aswell in the “Syn’s etudes”. But in more advanced tapping techniques where you use...
  8. D

    left-handed playing right-handed guitar (and vice versa?)

    So, I’m left-handed but I play on a right-handed guitar. The reason for this is very simple, before I started playing guitar, before I ever even held a guitar, when I imagined playing guitar I always imaged playing on a right-handed one. I never even considered playing on a left-handed guitar...