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  1. Krisztián Hauser

    How many times have you seen A7X live?

    Just 1 time so far in Hungary at Volt festival last year :D
  2. Krisztián Hauser

    Left hand speed

    I would say you should try working on that you lift your fingers just as little as needed to minimize finger movement
  3. Krisztián Hauser

    What Song is Stuck in your Head Right Now?

    Ylvis – Cabin :’D if you need some fun time listen that song 😀
  4. Krisztián Hauser

    Where is everybody from?

    I’m from Budapest, Hungary 😀 Playing for almost 6 years, but i need to learn a lot 😀
  5. Krisztián Hauser

    Ideal Concert In Your Opinion

    Oh shit…i could say so many line-ups lol 😀 But probably i will say: 1. A Day To Remeber 2. Paparoach 3. Avenged Sevenfold
  6. Krisztián Hauser

    Gypsy Jazz

    @syn can we maybe expect some gipsy jazz lessons from you in the future? That would be killer!
  7. Krisztián Hauser

    Is CAGED really that bad?

    Well… I started learning the system this morning after 5 years of playing guitar, and as far as i can see now, if the system is learned well then it can make you navigate on the freatboard quickly and easily. And i think it only blocks you if you let it. I’m starting to mix it in my regular...
  8. Krisztián Hauser's riff from January 5, 2018 at 9:42 am

    Krisztián Hauser's riff from January 5, 2018 at 9:42 am

    A little older video but i thought i post it here haha
  9. Krisztián Hauser

    Effects durinog practice

    I usually practise with distorsion and maybe a little reverb/delay, but it really depends on what i’m practising. On the other hand tho….practise should be fun isn’t it? 😀
  10. Krisztián Hauser

    How to learn a metal-solo. Advanced Level.

    I would suggest some Andy James stuff maybe. That can be hard and fast too but good practise i think.
  11. Krisztián Hauser

    Missing whammy bar tutorial

    YESS!!! I would love to see some whammy bar stuff here, trick and some licks that use the bar.
  12. Krisztián Hauser

    Bridge Pickup or Neck Pickup

    I mostly use my bridge too but there are some cases, mostly with clean riffs, when i prefer the neck pickup sound (i have Invaders). I wrote a song where the verse uses clean sound with neck and the chorus is with distorted bridge… You have no idea how fun the changes are while i sing too.
  13. Krisztián Hauser

    Favourite Avenged Sevenfold song and why

    I’m gonna say Buried Alive… That intro give me chills every damn time