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  1. Alejandro Martinez


    Great idea Hector! Its great to have this kind of a7x guitar content, thank you so much! When i have time, i will check it out and give you some feedback 😉 Also would be great as an axe fx III user to have your synyster gates presets as i have also his cab pack but i cant get the tone you have...
  2. Alejandro Martinez

    Herman li's tone

    If you try the preset tell me what can i do to improve it please, so that we can enjoy a more accurate tone
  3. Alejandro Martinez

    Herman li's tone

    Hi guys I managed to get some kind of Herman Li’s Dragonforce tone, I will upload it on the axe change Hope you like it!
  4. Alejandro Martinez

    Does anybody want a syn school discord server?

    Would be great to be there! Mine is Amlar #6643 Greetings!
  5. Alejandro Martinez

    Herman li's tone

    Hi guys!, Anyone knows how to get Herman Li’s tone from dragonforce? Amps EQ Effects apart from whammmy wah etc? Thanks!
  6. Alejandro Martinez

    Buried Alive Axe fx 3

    Yeah!, I think it works but i have to sharp that tone better, im noob with axe xD And talking about the stage intro, which efects and amp should i use to get that tone? Parameters and that stuff Thank you guys! 🙂
  7. Alejandro Martinez

    Buried Alive Axe fx 3

    Nice! Thank you!, And what about the tone for the intro solo of the stage song? Ehick cab and amp can i use on the axe fx3?
  8. Alejandro Martinez

    Buried Alive Axe fx 3

    Nice!, Thank you for all your advice!, Great to be in this community! Cheers!
  9. Alejandro Martinez

    M.I.A. solo

    Hi guys, Any tip on how to play M.I.A solo?, it’s dammn difficult and with fast licks , chromatics etc Thank you, cheers!
  10. Alejandro Martinez

    Buried Alive Axe fx 3

    Thank you very much for you answers! Im looking for some clean amps to get that tone, using hellwins 421 cab, some delay and reverb, so which clean amp can you recommend me from axe fx? Thx in advance! Cheers from Spain!
  11. Alejandro Martinez

    Buried Alive Axe fx 3

    Hi guys, Im new in the community and with axe fx so, anyone could tell me how to get the intro tone of Buried Alive? Thx in advance! Cheers