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Search results

  1. L

    What got you guys into metal?

    Hi Growing up I have always been into rock and metal. My dad always listen to rock and the first metal band that I really got into was Avenged. My love for metal progressed to listening to heavier bands. What are your stories of how you got into metal?
  2. L

    Guitar Tabs Accessible For The Blind

    Hey, I am a blind guitarist and I have been on the school for about a year now. While going through the lessons, i have noticed that the tabs and the tool bar where the backing tracks is not accessible so i can read or use them.Is there any way to make the guitar tabs accessible for the blind?
  3. L

    Synyster Gates Guitar

    I am doing a shop project and I would need to know if anybody has any information on the specs of Synyster Gates electric guitar?
  4. L

    Tool on Spotify

    Do you guys know if Tool songs are on Spotify? I have been searching for the band and some other songs and it’s not pulling up at all. If you guys can help me that would be great.
  5. L

    Dorian mode

    Could someone explain how the Dorian mode is used over jazz cord progressions? I understand that the mode has a flatted 3rd and a flatted 7th in the scale. I tried playing around with the scale and i don’t hear the jazz tones in it.
  6. L

    Syn’s picks

    Does anyone know what kind of guitar picks Syn uses?
  7. L

    Guitar Picks

    I want to experiment with different kinds of picks. What would be a good pick that would be diverse for different playing styles?
  8. L

    My Friend can not post in the Forum

    My friend can not post anything at all and he wants to participate on the site. He has already verified His account through Facebook and google. Is there anything else he would need to do?
  9. L

    My friend joined the site

    My friend Charles Smith just joined the site! He is a really cool dude and he is just learning guitar.
  10. L

    Favorite A7x Guitar Solo to Play on Guitar

    What is everyone’s favorite A7x guitar solo to play? I would say my favorite one to play is Hail To The King, because of the use of the harmonic minor scale. I think that scale sounds pretty cool.
  11. L

    Guitar Solos

    What A7x guitar solos are easy to play? I can play the HTTK solo and I was wondering what solos would be around that difficulty of playing to learn.
  12. L

    Flying wirh a guitar amp

    So I am going to try to travel with my small amp that will fit in the overhead compartment will I have any problems at security will they allow the amp to fly?
  13. L

    Flying with a guitar

    Hey guys, I will be flying this week and I want to take my guitar and the airline that I will be flying with is United Airlines. I am going to be taking an electric guitar, so if anyone knows their rules on flying instruments that would help. Also, any tips on how I should pack my guitar for...
  14. L

    Tips for buying a Schecter Guitar

    I am looking into buying a cheap to mid range Schecter Guitar. Do you guys have any suggestions or recommendations for what to get?
  15. L

    Help with HTTK solo

    Hey guys, I need some help with the part in the solo, 3:39-3:43. I have been playing that part with alternate picking along with the sweep picking added. I can get it relatively fast, but I an having some trouble. Is that part supposed to be played using alternate picking with sweeping or...
  16. L

    String Preference

    What types of strings does everyone use? I prefer Ernie Ball over other string brands. Does anyone prefer any one type of strings over the other brands?
  17. L

    Favorite A7X Guitar Solo?

    What is everyone’s favorite guitar solo? I would say that my favorite solos would be Hail To The King and Coming Home.
  18. L

    Anyone fans of the Beatles

    I was wondering if anyone are Beatle fans.
  19. L

    Mounting GoPro on guitar

    When I mount my GoPro on my guitar it always slides off or does not stay still. I am not sure it is the weight of the camera or if there is a problem with the instrument mount. Does anyone have any suggestions about keeping the GoPro from sliding off the headstock or any other GoPro instrument...
  20. L

    Increasing Speed for Hail To The King Intro

    Does anyone have any tips for increasing speed for the Hail To The King intro? I have been trying to get up to speed for a couple of months and can’t get faster than 100 BPM.