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  1. Nathan Saldana

    100% Beast and the Harlot Solo Tabs?

    Its downloaded now but still wont let me open a file into it. Not show in my extensions. Would it be too much to ask for a picture of the tabs? Sorry to be a pain!
  2. Nathan Saldana

    100% Beast and the Harlot Solo Tabs?

    The link you sent for Beast and the Harlot Solo doesn’t load on either my phone or laptop. Is there a PDF? Sorry for the trouble.
  3. Nathan Saldana

    100% Beast and the Harlot Solo Tabs?

    Thanks for sending Christopher! Would you mind sending the MIA and save me solo tabs aswell, I’d love to learn those!
  4. Nathan Saldana

    100% Beast and the Harlot Solo Tabs?

    Gotcha, very interested to see the tab, that part is just insane all around!
  5. Nathan Saldana

    100% Beast and the Harlot Solo Tabs?

    I’m playing in the exact areas on the fret board where syn is to produce that same sound. In the vid above where he is doing the lesson, he gets a little sloppy during the 1:26-1:29 mark making it hard to hear how he plays it live(NO OFFENSE BRIAN!). But in this video of the studio recording...
  6. Nathan Saldana

    100% Beast and the Harlot Solo Tabs?

    Hey Andrew! try refreshing it, I had to edit the link in… 🙂
  7. Nathan Saldana

    100% Beast and the Harlot Solo Tabs?

    Hey Guys! So I’ve slow-mo’d and listened to the Beast and the Harlot solo about a million times now, such as syn playing live/his video lessons/isolated solo and I think I have it down 98-100%. I notice Brian has played it a little different from the studio version to the lessons or live. I’m...
  8. Nathan Saldana


    Yeah, with the Tremol-no, your supposed to be able to do the whole sha-bang, but in my case its been impossible.
  9. Nathan Saldana


    Hey Synyster Gates School Community, I was wondering if anyone out there has also installed a Tremol-No into their guitar? About a year ago I put one in after having Syn show me it and the cool things it could be used for, such as changing tunings and switching between hardtail to divebomb...
  10. Nathan Saldana

    Feature Requests for Synyster Gates School?

    Is there anyway we can get an in depth rig rundown of syns guitars, picks, strings, etc. I know there’s already one on youtube, but not to be rude, it lacked tons of information that us guitar nerds are dying to know! Thanks! 🙂
  11. Nathan Saldana

    Hail to the King Intro Tutorial and Finger/Pinky Exercises

    Great lesson,and congrats on being the first person to figure it out correctly! Crazy to think its been 5 years almost since this songs came out.