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Search results

  1. Kevin Welton

    I Need Help Figuring Out This Lick And Possibly Audio Help :)

    Sounds like full bend then in to a pivot note lick using a hammer on and a pulloff when slowed to half speed but it may be all picked really smoothly 😉
  2. Kevin Welton

    Thumb Position issue

    The choice really comes down to your anatomy tbh, if you have big hands and it doesn’t hinder your ability to play anything then wrap your thumb around the neck if it feels more confortable that way but if you find that you have issues playing chords cleanly or stretching for some notes then...
  3. Kevin Welton

    SGS app?

    That makes sense i suppose 😊
  4. Kevin Welton

    SGS app?

    I vaguely remember talk about an app being developed when the site first went live, i was just wondering if there is any timeline updates on it?
  5. Kevin Welton

    Pick still slipping when downpicking

    Try this: 1.Grip the pick like you usually would when playing, normal position/normal tension relaxed wrist 2.now without adjusting finger/thumb placement, pull the pick in slightly (and i mean slightly) towards the base of your thumb, what you should notice is that the grip on the pick has got...
  6. Kevin Welton

    Tremolo Picking Tips

    Wrist here, i have tried all 3 but the wrist is by far the most efficient
  7. Kevin Welton

    I need help with sweeping

    Which aspect of sweeping are you having issues with?
  8. Kevin Welton

    I need a bit of help.

    It all comes down to years of practice tbh, you do want to get in to the habit of muting the unused strings at all times when playing any songs/exercises/riffs (obviously not open chords), it will become an automatic thing that you’ll just do without thinking in no time and your playing will...
  9. Kevin Welton

    I need a bit of help.

    Mute it with either the fleshy part near the thumb of your picking hand and the tip of your index finger of your fretting hand going up strings, or the lower part of the fingers on your fretting hand if you are going down strings as soon as you leave it 😉
  10. Kevin Welton

    Free tabbing sites

    If you don’t want to pay for tabs, just use google search! it comes up with plenty of free tabs. But before you do, why not try to figure it out by ear first? It will probably be difficult as first but it does get easier! Being able to figure out songs by ear is an invaluable skill to have for...
  11. Kevin Welton

    alternate picking pivot point

    In my opinion, movement from the wrist is an absolute must for truly fast picking speed! But as for the unnatural feeling, it will feel weird and unnatural when first altering anything to do with your playing technique as it isn’t something you are used to, with time you will get used to it. But...
  12. Kevin Welton


    Once you think you have found the key for a song, take some time looking at the chord progression and specifically which notes are being emphasised through out the song! That’s what will tell you if it is Major, relative minor or another mode from within the key 😉
  13. Kevin Welton

    Strings? Tuning? Whaaaaa?!

    Write down the standard tuning and keep it with your tuner! Reference it to tune your guitar each day before practice and you’ll soon have it embedded in your head lol, remembering fret numbers is just a case of remembering number 1 is furthest away from the body of the guitar and the number...
  14. Kevin Welton

    Syn Gates Guitar School App?

    Papa Gates said a it is definetly in the works not long after the school opened so it shouldn’t be too long to wait
  15. Kevin Welton

    Jazz lll picks?

    I’ve used jazz III for years, pretty much for the same reasons stated already, plus i have really small hands so the smaller size feels more confortable to play
  16. Kevin Welton

    Song tutorial requests

    I agree about Chris Zoupa, he is by far one of (if not) the best solo transcribers online!
  17. Kevin Welton

    Recommendation for SGS team and Syn

    Would be cool, they could even host the live stream here on the site!
  18. Kevin Welton

    hardest Metallica song rhythm

    Fight fire with fire has always caused me issues, love it tho! Also Dyers eve
  19. Kevin Welton

    Stopping unwanted pull-offs

    It’s all to do with the direction you move your finger off the string, if you take it off at an angle you increase the chances of plucking the string! Practice lifting off the string then moving up or down to different strings at a slower speed until you get used to it! You could also try what i...
  20. Kevin Welton

    How to deal with copyrights on youtube?

    Youtube tend to be a lot more strict if you have the original track in the video, i know it would be a bit annoying to post it without the track to play over but it may cause less issue with copyright