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  1. Stephanie Sypher

    School meetup in US?

    I would love to!! Huntington would be a great choice for me travel-wise.
  2. Stephanie Sypher

    Something feedback on my singing please

    Ok, so what I know from the guitar players in my life is that sometimes it is difficult to sing while playing because of the focus. What I can tell you as a singer is that to get optimum volume, you have to fill those lungs which is pretty difficult while sitting. Try to maybe record your...
  3. Stephanie Sypher

    Question for Syn

    That’s pretty much what I thought too. And I am following the actual Instagram account.
  4. Stephanie Sypher

    Question for Syn

    There is someone on Instagram messaging me with the account synystergates37. The account says it’s your official chat account but the person messaging me doesn’t really phrase things as you do. Is this a scam?? Just curious and skeptical! 🤣
  5. Stephanie Sypher

    Ok no laughing…

    Oh I am totally confident…and almost done. It took awhile to make the pick guard. My first love was a wonderful guitar player, and made custom guitars, did repairs and taught me a lot. Unfortunately, he was not able to teach me to play. He was in the process of making a telecaster style guitar...
  6. Stephanie Sypher

    Ok no laughing…

    So started doing the lessons and realized that my little strat needed some work. I can’t play yet, but I do know how to work on it. Been planning on removing the pick guard so as not to mess up the signatures and the pick ups ps were REALLY loose. So…in the process of making a temp pick guard...
  7. Stephanie Sypher

    Questions about the lesson comments

    Oh man I can’t stand that crap.i must admit that while I am a very progressive person, I am tired of a lot of the p.c. Bs and am not at all fond of a.i. And the phishing stuff.
  8. Stephanie Sypher

    Questions about the lesson comments

    Ok thank you. That’s good to know.
  9. Stephanie Sypher

    Questions about the lesson comments

    I don’t know if it is because I am on my iPhone, but if I am looking at the lesson comments right after completion of said lesson, I am able to like comments but not able to reply nor post my own comment. If I go to lesson comments from the site menu, the only comments loading are from lessons...
  10. Stephanie Sypher

    Just an introduction

    Well it’ll be a bit…lol. Gotta make my hands and fingers do new things! It feels odd but I know that’s to be expected, however, even with the thinner neck on this stray, I still have small hands and sometimes it is difficult to get my fingering correct.
  11. Stephanie Sypher

    Just an introduction

    Hello all! I’m Stephanie and I am new to the site. Very excited to be learning how to play. While I am no stranger to guitars (musicians and a guitar fabricator is my family), I have never learned to play. Instead, I concentrated on vocal training. I can tell if someone is playing a les Paul...