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Search results

  1. Josh Wright

    I'm back

    It’s been quite a while since I’ve logged in, school got busy awhile ago with it being my senior year of high school, and so it kind of got pushed to the back of my mind. I’ve still been playing, and now with school coming to an end, I can spend a lot more time focusing on guitar.
  2. Josh Wright

    It's not letting me post a riff

    When I try to post a riff, it acts like the field for the link is empty.
  3. Josh Wright

    An issue with meaty hands

    I teach lessons and one of my students has beefy hands that make it to where playing chords just isn’t really a possibility with the guitar he has, he has a fender knock off which has a very small neck and everytime he tries to play a chord either his fingers won’t fit in the fret together, or...
  4. Josh Wright

    What defines gypsy jazz

    I have done a little bit of looking into gypsy jazz and I’m wondering what makes something gypsy jazz versus not. I haven’t had a lot of time to look into it, and I was looking for some input from y’all. What are the techniques that go into it?
  5. Josh Wright

    Mastering guitar

    I have been playing guitar for about 5 years. I’m not absolutely amazing but I consider myself to be pretty good. I was thinking about what the difference between an expert and a master is. I wouldn’t consider myself either of them, but I strive to be a master. It dawned on me there really isn’t...