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Search results

  1. OldBreakDown

    Happy Birthday Syn

    happy birthday
  2. OldBreakDown

    Avenged Sevenfold Critical Acclaim Solo Cover

    Video is gone but I’ve begin taking lessons on the site :)
  3. OldBreakDown

    First Floyd Rose Learning Experience

    So I attempted to change strings... I’m now headed to guitar center. This is an embarrassing nightmare, least I’ll be able to go up a string size. When I tried changing the strings, everything went wrong. Ahhhh xD Update: Got the strings I wanted and jammed out with an AvengedSevenfold fan for...
  4. OldBreakDown

    Musical Night!

    Hey everyone, I hope all of your weeks have been okay! Tonight should be an interesting one if all goes well. I plan on attempting to change the custom s strings for the first time ever, already messed up but that’s me. If all of that goes well I’m gonna make that YouTube channel and try to...
  5. OldBreakDown

    Floyd Rose Retuning/Changing Strings

    Could any link some proper tutorials on how to retune or restring a Floyd Rose? I’ve searched YouTube and haven’t much success.
  6. OldBreakDown

    The War of Art

    The book came in today guys! I’m very excited!
  7. OldBreakDown


    Hey everyone, you’ll being seeing me make plenty of threads and interacting with all of you over time! For today’s question, what motivates you? I’ll be the first to say that I struggle with being lazy. I know that if I simply wait for when I “feel”’like practicing or learning a lesson, then I...
  8. OldBreakDown

    Overall Lesson Question

    I came to put this one on here because It doesn’t have to do with a set lesson, rather it has to do with all of them. I know this will vary but how long do you all recommend spending on a lesson?
  9. OldBreakDown

    New Guitar

    Hey everyone, this past Christmas I purchased a Synyster Gates Custom S (white pin stripes) Guitar. Does anyone know what kind of maintenance I should stay aware of involving this particular guitar, such as what kind of fret cleaner/polish I should have. Any helps or tips are appreciated.
  10. OldBreakDown

    *Moved to Guitar Thread*

    *I moved this original post to the Guitar Thread were I thought it better belonged.*
  11. OldBreakDown

    Hey Everyone!

    Just wanted to say a hi to all. I’m certainly not exactly new but this is a new account. I’ve very excited for this musical Journey as I’ve already started the lessons. I look forward to playing with everyone and the future!