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  1. Nathan Bearden

    Does anyone know what the distance between strings and pickups should be? I put the dimebag...

    Does anyone know what the distance between strings and pickups should be? I put the dimebag signature set on my Syn standard. I know I wired them correctly, but not so sure I like the sound. Thinking the position of them may be wrong. Thanks!
  2. Nathan Bearden

    Comment by 'Nathan Bearden' in media '"The Stage" solo'

    Thanks, I'll try that out!
  3. Nathan Bearden

    Comment by 'Nathan Bearden' in media '"The Stage" solo'

    Thanks bro, very tricky those last bends, but a fun song to play! I'm working on in intro next
  4. Nathan Bearden

    Should I start learning solos?

    Try using a backing track of the song. They work great!
  5. "The Stage" solo

    "The Stage" solo

    I'll be working on one of my favorites, The Stage. Hope to add the song in its entirety, as I only know bits and pieces of it now. Here's the solo. The bends are very tricky and a little sloppy, so I apologize for that lol. Maybe some lighter bottom strings would make it a little easier. Thanks...
  6. Hail to the king solo cover

    Hail to the king solo cover

    Hello everybody! So, for my first post, is the first and only thing I ever posted on youtube coming in at 7 years ago. Life and addiction happened and I fell away from practicing guitar. Avenged Sevenfold has always been my main inspiration in music because of their creativity. Being sober today...