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Search results

  1. Q

    Idea of Practice Routine to accommodate the Lessons?

    Thanks both for your responses ! I guess I am still at the stage where I focus almost exclusively on alternate picking 😄 I also found organizing my practice into categories has been helpful so far. At the moment it goes more or less like : Current routine Chords practice Per CAGED shape and...
  2. Q

    Idea of Practice Routine to accommodate the Lessons?

    Hi guys! First, I want to thank you again that the lessons are back online! :) Now I am pondering about what could be a nice practice routine to progressively go through (most of) the content of the school. I mean, I know there is A LOT of content, and the possibilities to practice it are...
  3. Q

    Lessons Updates

    This is awesome!! Thanks a lot!🥳
  4. Q

    Temporary alternatives while videos are down?

    Funny Justin and Jake got mentioned here, those are definitely my 2 go-to choices as well :D It's indeed good to have a few options, as you quickly notice different teachers have different sticking points. Looking forward the lessons being back up here though, as think this is the best place...
  5. Q

    CAGED System – Changing Pentatonic Scales – Two Chords – D & C – Lesson 29

    Wow. I think I vaguely understand what you are saying. Then this is almost intimidating how limitless the possibilities are in term of what to play over chords. Thanks a lot anyway! :)
  6. Q

    CAGED System – Changing Pentatonic Scales – Two Chords – D & C – Lesson 29

    Hmmm. Music theory is so confusing to me :D So here he plays D Major and C Major, which makes it in key of G. Okay, so, last one: now he plays only pentatonic A & B over those chords. If he played the whole major scale in A & G shape, 5th position, it would clash with the G key right? Like...
  7. Q

    CAGED System – Changing Pentatonic Scales – Two Chords – D & C – Lesson 29

    Sorry I didn't word what I meant properly. I don't mean the chord changes themselves, but more like the pentatonic shapes he is playing over the chords ( as they change). Here is how I am seeing it (please correct me if I am wrong :) ) => He starts with the A shape in 5th position, which...
  8. Q

    CAGED System – Changing Pentatonic Scales – Two Chords – D & C – Lesson 29

    To make sure I get the theory behind this : everytime he changes chords here, by changing shape in the same position, he reset to a new key, right?
  9. Q

    CAGED System – The C Shape – Lesson 24

    I had recently learned about "major triads". They are cluster of 3 notes played on 3 different strings, in order to make a "3 strings" major chord (at least this my own freshmen definition :p) When I learnt it, it was like "ohoh, more major chords than just open chords & bar chords??? Nice!"...
  10. Q

    CAGED System – The C Shape – Lesson 24

    Great lesson! I like how this connects pentatonic, major & arpeggios concepts. They are usually teached separately, and sometimes you don't realize they are related when you are a newbie. For example, I realized the major triad shapes simply come from the major Arpeggio. When you got it, it...
  11. Q

    Hi :)

    "bonjour " it is :D Thanks a lot to everyone!
  12. Q

    Hi :)

    Hi all! I am Quentin from Belgium, I am 28, and I am on the "never too late to learn guitar" train :D The cool thingie is : one day you looking for inspiration/ motivation, randomly Google "How did Syn Gates learn guitar", and figure out he has a free online school community. Damn. Pretty...