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Search results

  1. Dustin Stevens

    Anyone ever heard of sammy boller on here?

    I met this guy Sammy boller last year when my band opened up for him in New Hampshire. He is a phenomenal guitar player and was super nice. We exchanged cds and tshirts. He has a solo project where all his music is instrumental and he also has another band that I can't remember the name of at...
  2. Dustin Stevens

    Syn on JRE

    Hey syn. This is completely out of left field but have you ever thought of trying to go on the Joe Rogan Experience? It was just a random thought but it would be a good way to promote this site and the NFT stuff you guys are doing and whatever else. It's completely random I know and maybe...
  3. Dustin Stevens

    My band signed with a label!!!

    So my band just signed an artist development deal with bentley records. We are pretty excited about it.
  4. Dustin Stevens

    Our song made it on the radio!!!!

    So my band released a song alittle over a month ago and someone at a local station heard it and offered to play it on the radio! Its pretty cool and im just excited about it. Ill post a link to a recording of the broadcast for anyone who wants to listen below.
  5. Dustin Stevens

    I’m pumped!!!

    I’ve been working on this song for almost a year and I finally think I finished it. My band is dropping it today and I’m just really excited and I’m hoping that all the hard work pays off. It took a lot of trial and error as I was the one to do all the mixing and mastering. It’s not perfect but...
  6. Dustin Stevens

    Looking for your opinion...

    https://drive.google.com/file/d/13LaH9FpYwZEbnpuYQhPxSkVlrQoSJDcZ/view?usp=drivesdk This is a song i wrote and recorded. I just wanted to get some opinions on music and song structure. There are no vocals but if anyone wants to try to put some to it, id love to hear it.
  7. Dustin Stevens

    Difference between studio and live tones?

    So in the near future my band may go play some shows. Ive never really played out live and i was wondering how a live tone differs from a studio or "bedroom tone". I would be playing with a line 6 helix so i wouldnt have to worry about micing amps and that stuff but im just curious about what to...
  8. Dustin Stevens

    Any Helix users here?

    If there are any helix users on here what are your go to amps on it. For me i'd say the bogner' the rectifier and rev amp for gain amps and clean i really like the fender verb and the jazz chorus.
  9. Dustin Stevens

    Check this out

    A song that my friend and i have been working on. Let me know what you think.
  10. Dustin Stevens


    So i haven’t been on here for awhile. Ive had alot going on but i just wanted to stop in and say something. Before this website started i was a shy person and still am but this website and community motivated me to get out and play with other musicians hense why i haven’t been on here for a long...
  11. Dustin Stevens

    Anyone want to write a song?

    It been awhile since ive been on here. Ive been busy with a newborn baby who is now 7 months old. But i want to get more involved with different musicians. I think we can help eachother out. Im looking for some people who are familiar with using a daw. I dont want to limit this project to just...
  12. Dustin Stevens

    So i think i may have f$&ked up…

    So ive been playing guitar for the better part of 10 years and im left handed but i learned to play right handed. My dad played guitar and he is right handed so i learned on his guitars and in some ways i think it gives me an advantage and in other ways i feel hindered by it. Where my fretting...
  13. Dustin Stevens

    Need advice

    So heres the thing. Im gonna be having a baby tommarow and im so exited for it but im just worried that im not gonna be able to practice or play any guitar for awhile. Is there anyone on here that just had a child recently and could give me some advice on how to still have time to practice daily...
  14. Dustin Stevens

    Question for syn

    Hey so I was learning the hail to the king solo and I was wondering if the part right after you do all those 3 string sweeps, you move back up the neck and I was reading the tabs and it says it’s legato but i watched a video of you doing it live and it looks like it’s all picked. I was just...