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  1. C

    Help With Reaper

    The general rule is passive di box for active pickups and active di box for passive pickups but I’ve heard it really doesn’t matter much. If you’re going to be upgrading the audio interface soon you’re probably fine just getting an affordable di box in the meantime but if you plan on keeping one...
  2. C

    Help With Reaper

    If it’s a first generation 2i2 you’ll need a di box. If the serial number on the bottom starts with an S or T it’s a first generation.
  3. C

    AMP suggestion

    Hi, I’ve heard some really good things about the boss katana and they have a lot of effects built in so you wouldn’t need to buy pedals for things like delay.
  4. C

    Tips for buying a Schecter Guitar

    Looking at used ones is a good way to get a lot for your money and I think the shape of Syn’s is the avenger, so one with that shape would probably feel similar. I think he also used to use the c1 shape before he had a signature so one of those could be similar too.
  5. C

    weird thing that my hand does

    The fingers crossing sounds like it could be from too much tension so practicing slow with minimal movement and really trying to keep your hand as relaxed as possible should help. Rick Graham has some great videos on tension and using the least amount of pressure to sound a note. For alternate...
  6. C

    Seize the Day solo question

    I’m pretty sure it’s all picked
  7. C


    C# minor is the relative minor of E major so they share the same notes.
  8. C

    Favorite A7X Guitar Solo?

    I like all of them but second heartbeat is definitely a favorite of mine.
  9. C

    Seize the day solo questions

    The pinch harmonic is 6th fret b string and I usually use the bridge pickup it definitely helps with getting the pinch harmonic to sound.
  10. C

    Building speed

    Something that I think helps is keeping your hands as relaxed as possible and getting rid of any unnecessary tension. Also trying to make the smallest movements possible like keeping your fingers close to the fretboard and keeping the pick close to the string. I’d also suggest practicing tremolo...
  11. C

    Any good AMP recommendations for metal? (Files attached) Marshall Dsl40c

    Getting a bigger cab like a 2×12 should make it fuller sounding and you can use it for other amps if you want more later but for actual amps is it possible for you to try some at a guitar store? That’s probably the best way to tell if you’ll like one but if not maybe look up the gear of some...
  12. C

    Any good AMP recommendations for metal? (Files attached) Marshall Dsl40c

    Something you could try is switching out the speaker or getting a separate cab, that can make a big difference in the tone and making it sound fuller.
  13. C

    Scream – Guitar Tuning

    I’m pretty sure the tab books are transcribed by professionals but not the actual artist and since the same notes repeat themselves on the fretboard there’s multiple ways to play the same thing. The way in the video looks more like what Syn plays live and from watching live videos it seems like...
  14. C

    Lowest tuning bands

    LOATHE uses drop E for east of eden
  15. C

    What are you currently listening to?

    Igorrr they’re one of the strangest bands I’ve heard check out ieuD it’s pretty interesting.