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  1. TOLF

    um wtf?

    Tank you dude 😉
  2. TOLF

    um wtf?

    How can we disable mail notification? I’ve already disable it from my profile settings, I did not subscribe to any topic and I continue receiving notification each time someone write something on the forum…
  3. Théo Lorette-Froidevaux's riff from January 25, 2018 at 3:09 pm

    Théo Lorette-Froidevaux's riff from January 25, 2018 at 3:09 pm

    Ok! I feel more comfortable now, so I increased the tempo! I'm at 125%. I will try to pass to the second part! See you soon!
  4. Théo Lorette-Froidevaux's riff from January 22, 2018 at 9:36 am

    Théo Lorette-Froidevaux's riff from January 22, 2018 at 9:36 am

    I tried to let my thumb behind the neck, not above. My right hand seems more fluid when going up. I also do the Hammer-on on the low string. Is that good? Now I continue until I can play it more easily before increasing speed!
  5. TOLF

    Nails and bends

    Wow that’s a lot of suggestions! Thanks a lot guys! I used 3 fingers, but someone said I should use the 4. I think the problem comes from the force I use. I don’t use enough force to bend, and I release the string… I will try to improve that, thanks a lot!
  6. TOLF

    Nails and bends

    Hi! I have a real problem between my nails while I bend. Usually when I bend, (on the highest string for exemple), the B and G string hit the E string and produce an awful sound. I don’t know if these two strings have to go above my nails, so they don’t hit the string I’m bending, or under...
  7. Théo Lorette-Froidevaux's riff from January 11, 2018 at 10:40 am

    Théo Lorette-Froidevaux's riff from January 11, 2018 at 10:40 am

    My right hand is not fluid from high string to low string. The third part is hard, I palm mute while going low to high. I will continue practicing this until I feel easy. See you next year!
  8. TOLF

    Where is everybody from?

    From France! Yeah j’aime les baguettes!
  9. TOLF

    Where's my pick?

    I’ve always a pick in my wallet… just in case…
  10. TOLF

    Synyster Gates Schecter Guitar

    I bought the Schecter Synyster Gates Standard for 790€ and it’s really cool. My first guitar was a Gio Ibanez I bought for like 250€ and I fell in love with the Schecter! I hope you are from United States because I’ve waited 3 months to get it in France due to rosewood on the neck.
  11. TOLF

    Tips to make the site better!

    Great topic! I agree with the point about the volume. It may be cool if we could just tick the lesson we did, like this we could see our progression! And the idea about the goals is cool!
  12. TOLF


    At least English subtitles, but after that the community could certainly translate them!
  13. TOLF

    Thank you Syn and Papa Gates!

    I listen to A7X since like eight years, and the live you did in Paris Bercy during The Stage Wolrd Tour just made me want to take my guitar and rock. We are all really glad we can learn through your experience, that’s the best gift you could offer to us. Thank you so much Papa and Syn
  14. TOLF

    Favourite Avenged Sevenfold song and why

    It depends on time… But I will say I love Buried Alive for the different themes in the music. I really like musics with several themes, where you could cut it in parts and just have different musics. That’s why I like A7X.
  15. TOLF

    Adjust height floyd rose

    Ok, that’s exaclty what I heard about the knife edge. You are right Jake, once set up, you don’t adjust your bridge every day^^. Thanks for sharing guys!
  16. TOLF

    Adjust height floyd rose

    Hi there! I have a question about adjusting the height of a floyd rose. Several persons say you can adjust the height of a floyd rose without any risks, but others say you have to loosen the strings before you do that in order to not break your floyd rose! What do you think about that?
  17. TOLF


    +1! Even if the voice is clear, that would be cool for people who does not speak English fluently.
  18. TOLF

    Let's get to know each other!

    Hi from France! I’m 20, own a Gio Ibanez and recently got a Schecter Synyster Gates Standard. I play since few years simple power chords songs like Greenday or The Offspring, but I really want to progress since April 2017 (just after A7X Paris Bercy live
  19. TOLF

    Live concerts

    I was in A7X Paris Bercy live last year, just awesome! Now I want to go see Arch Enemy, but it’s during my exams… I already have my ticket for Shaka Ponk. Now I want to find tickets for the Hellfest!