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Search results

  1. Zesty Rage

    Stickers at a concert

    Anyone think I’d get in trouble if I passed out some of my “Zesty Rage” stickers at the A7X concert in Chicago? It’s for my twitch stream but I don’t want to break any rules and get kicked out…
  2. Zesty Rage

    Stage Left Lounge

    So I'm ordering my tickets to A7X's show in Tinley Park and I noticed the Stage Left Lounge pass that you can add on to it. I was wondering if anyone knows if I would need to buy that for everyone in my group or if I only need the one?
  3. Zesty Rage

    Deathbats Club

    So I recently started looking into the Deathbats Club and was wondering if theres anyone here who has experience with NFTs that can maybe help me better understand the concept and what I could use it for....aside from the cool perks that come with some of the deathbats...what is the personal...
  4. Zesty Rage

    My First A7X Concert

    It's been a while since I've had a chance to be active in the community but I just had to get on to share my excitement because I finally get to go see A7X in Chicago for the first time! I've been waiting so long for this and I'm so FREAKING EXCITED!!!!!!!!
  5. Zesty Rage

    Question on Modes

    So I recently picked up a book that goes over using modes and scales to make your own runs and shred and all that fun stuff. I got through a decent chunk of the first lesson. In the first lesson they use the G Ionian mode to practice with. My question is that if Ionian is just the mode and G is...
  6. Zesty Rage

    My first cover video

    Finally made my first cover video! My playing is a little sloppy for my first video but what I'm looking for is feedback on the quality of sound and lighting so if anyone has any constructive criticism or advice they'd like to give please share! I'm still learning and trying to figure all of...
  7. Zesty Rage

    My first show!

    I finally booked my first show! I’ve been practicing a lot lately trying to get some of these videos made and they’re definitely still in the works. But I’ve got a lot more work ahead of me to make my first show a good one. I only get 15 minutes but I’m gonna make those 15 minutes count. I’ve...
  8. Zesty Rage

    Recording a Cover

    So I’ve finally got a decent workspace set up to start recording. The only issue is that this will be my first time doing something like this on my own and I’m wondering if there’s anyone who would be willing to let me send some of my test videos to them to get some feedback about sound quality...
  9. Zesty Rage

    Maintaining My Guitar

    So I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I’ve never actually learned how to properly maintain my equipment. I’ve always taken my guitar to a friends music store. But since I’ve started getting into playing live at some local spots I figured it would be a good idea for me to start learning since...
  10. Zesty Rage

    Performing Live

    So I’ve recently made the decision to start playing some songs live and I’m wondering if there’s anything that might be a must have when it comes to equipment? I’m not expecting my first few shows to be perfect but I at least want the songs to sound good. I’ll be performing by myself and will be...
  11. Zesty Rage

    My First concert

    So finally caved and decided it was time that my wife and I experienced our first concert together. Neither of us have ever been to a concert before so I booked us tickets to Hog Fest in Milwaukee to see Godsmack, Asking Alexandria, Three Days Grace, Wage War, and Lilth Czar! I always thought my...
  12. Zesty Rage

    Home Studio

    Finally got everything I need for my home studio just waiting for a Dynamic mic to come in the mail and waiting for my next day off to clean out the attic so I can throw my work space upstairs 😁
  13. Zesty Rage

    Drum Tracks

    So is there any where that I could find pre recorded drum tracks? I found a couple of websites where I could buy some tracks but I wanted to see what other people use. But lets say that I wanted to do a guitar cover of Before I Forget by Slipknot is there anywhere that I could find a drum track...
  14. Zesty Rage


    Looking to get a computer and some recording equipment to make a studio in my attic but I’m not sure what kind of computer I should get. I’m really just looking for a laptop that I can record my guitar tracks and vocals onto. I don’t have all of the money in the world to spend on a computer but...
  15. Zesty Rage

    A much needed break

    So lately I haven't been active at all for at least the past month and even went as far as to cancel my legend membership (temporarily). This is because on September 9th at 11:50pm my son Mason Grey finally arrived in this world! This past month has been a very challenging but also rewarding...
  16. Zesty Rage

    Making some noise

    I'm literally at the point of wanting to get music out there that I'm just going to throw on a drum track and just play some random sounds. I haven't been active lately and I've never really been one to learn someone else's songs because I want to write my own. Is it wrong to not learn a cover...
  17. Zesty Rage

    I didnt want it to come to this...

    I didnt want it to come to this but it seems I have no choice but to admit defeat 😤 on a serious note this book is actually filled with a lot of helpful information and can be very handy to help "dumb it down" for information you might be struggling to understand. 10/10 would reccomend 🤟😁
  18. Zesty Rage

    My Brain Sucks

    I honestly dont know how I did this but I've been playing and practicing a lot lately and I keep feeling like I'm missing something...for some reason I didnt even notice there was a CAGED System Part 2....which really threw me off because I did the CAGED minor lesson...but for some reason I went...
  19. Zesty Rage

    Feeling bummed

    I've been pretty hard on myself lately. Mainly because I thought I had found a band that wanted to get serious about writing some songs together but turns out no one wanted to take it seriously at all. The drummer (if you can even call him that) doesn't have a drum set because its "at his...
  20. Zesty Rage

    My Guitar

    I've been a bit inactive lately on the forums while I go through the lessons again so I thought I'd share the story of my favorite guitar "Doll". I named my guitar after the love of my life who has also been my wife for the past 7 years. I got this guitar during the month of our 5 year...