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Search results

  1. Gregg's_SYNquest

    Amp Settings

    I have NEVER had a guitar come setup properly. Guitar Center, Sweetwater and a local store are guilty of letting their new products leave the store basically barely playable. There is a small shop here in Everett, WA called Tommy's and he won't let an instrument leave his store unless it's setup...
  2. Gregg's_SYNquest

    New rebrand is live!

    Wow! I was a skeptic of apps in general but this was well written....thanks!
  3. Gregg's_SYNquest

    Hat or wig?

    That was SOOOOO fucking funny!
  4. Gregg's_SYNquest

    Status Quo...NEVER! I just had a real breakthrough in my musical world! My brain finally put the...

    Status Quo...NEVER! I just had a real breakthrough in my musical world! My brain finally put the keyboard and my fretboard together. Not sure why but I have been getting better by watching others have great success. Can't wait for more to come. I just began using this feature way more after...
  5. Gregg's_SYNquest


    well he is blue......S
  6. Gregg's_SYNquest

    Tabs, Backing and ALL that costs

    I try to use any and ALL avenues in search of good help. YouTube IS one of the best for sure at 50%!
  7. Gregg's_SYNquest

    Tabs, Backing and ALL that costs

    I learned a few things with old Hal-Leonard. He wrote the book I hated the most....theoryo_O
  8. Gregg's_SYNquest

    Tabs, Backing and ALL that costs

    I try not to dupe but couldn't find an answer. I and way many musicians pay other sites for A7X music, tabs, scores and the list goes on. Is there a "suggested" list of providers Syngates approve of or suggest? SYNGATES (the best) Ultimate Tabs Musescore YouTube Premium Amazon (equip and mp3) I...
  9. Gregg's_SYNquest

    Short Term shot!

    I'm a 62 year old product/survivor of the 70's in San Francisco, then Seattle in the 80's on. My short term memory seems to be gone when trying to memorize positions (this is only one of many memory issues I have)🥳. I'm still hoping for "muscle memory" as my other is BAKED! Perhaps longer...
  10. Gregg's_SYNquest

    I'm ALL in

    After being drug through many of the other so called "learning" sites, I tried Syn loved it learned more here than any others! I upgraded and look forward to things to come.
  11. Gregg's_SYNquest

    FRIZZLE FRY by Primus

    PRIMUS!!! How totally cool! Also reminded me of Buckethead!
  12. Gregg's_SYNquest

    New song for new Call of Duty?

    I still use my background player for Xbox One from a stick. No probs ever and MY tunes are used to play COD!