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  1. Dereks

    Is rock and metal guitar a men’s world?

    You make a really fair point, my personal favorite female guitarist is Lizzy Hale. I think that girls tend to be seen as singers more often because girls are just naturally better at signing (not saying guys are naturally better st guitar). I think we need to be more attentive at just...
  2. Dereks

    Comment by 'Dereks' in media 'Feeling Alright - Rebelution (helping video)'

    Yeah I get what you're saying now, thanks a lot man that adds lots of cool texture
  3. Dereks

    Comment by 'Dereks' in media 'funky riff thing'

    Thanks man, means a lot🤘🏼
  4. funky riff thing

    funky riff thing

    Something I wrote the other day, I'm trying to improve on my technique so what are some things I should focus on?
  5. Dereks

    Moving forward

    Thanks so much! I forgot to mention I took piano lessons for 5 years so I know all of the basics of theory. Rn I'm working on making my picking more legato because every thing I try and make sounds really staccato right now. Thanks though🤘🏼
  6. Dereks

    Moving forward

    Just joined! Still a beginner guitarist but I'd like to think I'm off to a decent start (been playing for a bit over a year) looking for ways to improve my technique to help push myself to the next level, what should I do?