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Search results

  1. Devilreaper

    Dealing with anxiety and lack of motivation

    I suffer from extreme anxiety depression and PTSD and I'll go from being super motivated to soul crushing depressed and I lose all my drive and joy it's all I can do to keep going in all aspects of my life and I get to where I feel ok that's it I'm done this is going nowhere etc... and that...
  2. Devilreaper

    Still struggling with life's challenges while continuing to learn how to record my own music and...

    Still struggling with life's challenges while continuing to learn how to record my own music and continuing my never ending guitar journey.
  3. Devilreaper

    Moving on stage

    Hey everyone I have been playing guitar for 42 years now and I have played live in several bands always suffered from stage fright took a break when some bad stuff happened and ended up joining the Military. I have now been medically retired since 2013 and have been struggling worse than ever...
  4. Devilreaper

    How long have you been playing?

    I have been playing guitar for 42 years now and about 8 years ago was forced to relearn most of what I knew due to a traumatic brain injury and constantly have to keep relearning as I forget in addition have insane amounts of repetition to remember new things so if I can keep learning new things...
  5. Devilreaper

    HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!!! be safe.

    HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!!!!! be safe.