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Search results

  1. S

    I need help with playing faster (shreddingggg)!!!

    The relation to me and your third point crazy! It's one of the most discouraging feelings. But these are some really good tips I will be sure to update my practice routine thank you!
  2. S

    I need help with playing faster (shreddingggg)!!!

    I've been playing guitar for about 7-8 years now and I am starting to get into some more complex stuff. Ive noticed though that i am pretty limited by my left (finger) hand speed. Ive been doing basic drills to a metronome and have noticed slight improvement. But if I want to be able to play...
  3. S

    Fav Syn solo?

    The intro solo on fermi is fucking great
  4. S

    Fav song from AX7?

    Exist, The Stage, Roman Sky, Acid Rain, Crimson Day, Dear God, Beast and The harlot, MIA, IWSYTP1. There are too many but these are some of the most notable.