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Search results

  1. Christopher Bischoff

    Brians House

    Ha! Thanks for turning me on to this gem. I know what I’m watching during warm ups now.
  2. Christopher Bischoff

    What Do You Guys Use for You're Guitar Tone?

    I picked up a used Line 6 Pocket Pod for $30, the thing is pretty damn amazing in spite of the clunky interface. Since most of my practice is through headphones, it fits the bill. I’ve saved out A7x tones, ZZ Top tones, Tesla acoustic tones. It’s also helped me to learn how to tweak effects...
  3. Christopher Bischoff

    Schecter Guitar Forum

    Thanks for this John bump
  4. Christopher Bischoff

    This Website is the best thing since sliced bread

    Original poster Luca said it best, but I have to second it. What the Brians have put together is incredible, much more than I had hoped for. Lots of time and love invested by the Haners, I salute you gentlemen. And Brian Senior is a great teacher, very easy to follow. Haven’t dipped into Syn’s...
  5. Christopher Bischoff

    tab help

    In the same vein, is a pinch harmonic? Any note bracketed by the ? I’ve been assuming, but would like to be sure. Thanks!
  6. Christopher Bischoff

    Let's get to know each other!

    Hi guys and gals. I’m older than most, 54, played daily from ages 14-22ish, then life and kids seemed to take up all my free time. Got serious again about six months ago, now taking the time to “learn” instead of just trying to sound like my Maiden albums as was the case years ago. First heard...