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Alternate Picking advices

Santiago Ortegon

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Hey everybody sorry if i need your help again but this topic is just frustrating
I can’t improve my alternate picking, it’s kind of everything i practice now because it’s the basic picking to start with.
i stuck in the alternate pick I from the Syn’s Etude over a year now and i don’t have any progess or anything like it, i don’t have a teacher to ask advices or any tip, so i like to read your advices if you have one to get better at this
Sorry if yo see any grammar mistake i’m not good at english

Jak Angelescu

Hello Santiago! You can ask ALL the questions you want, that’s what we’re all here for! I hope I can explain this clearly, it’s a concept that really has to be FELT to understand it.
I’ve been meaning to make a video lesson on how to improve your alternate picking because I came through a HUGE breakthrough and it’s helped massively. But I got busy and then got sick. But I’ll try my best to explain it to you.
If I can give you an image of what you’re suppose to do, WATCH Syn’s right hand in those videos when he plays it slower and then when he plays it faster. You’ll notice HOW he moves the pick changes. In order to improve your alternate picking faster, you must relax the arm and focus a majority of the movement on your fingers of your picking hand. It’s like instead of moving your whole arm or even your wrist, let the movement come from JUST the fingers you’re holding the pick with.
Perhaps I should make a ‘body mechanics’ video today on when you should use which muscles of the arm and hand to do certain things. I hope this helps a little bit. When my video is finished, I’ll make sure to leave it here so you can see it! Don’t give up though. I didn’t have any improvement for 4 years until I had some of these breakthroughs. You’ll get it!

Kevin Kwasneski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
For me, I started out just on 1 note. Say 7th fret low E string and I would just alternate pick fast until my hand got tired. It’s weird I’m backwards from lots of guitarists. I try to play fast and sloppy first, so I get a general idea of what it should sound like up to speed, then clean it up.

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Gonna be honest. I havent touched any of syns studded. I’m not even through the advanced ones from pg. I actually took a break when I realized I wrote an album from jamming the lessons lol. I’d go back a few steps. Learn some simple stuff. Build up your confidence. Then when you feel up to it. Just do the elude and see how far you’ve come. I think you may just be skipping a few steps here.
Synner Endless Summer Collection