Hi Synners,
Following Andy's post about his 1/1 redeem, I thought it was only fitting to introduce myself as well. Big thanks to @Radu-Cristian Perde for helping me out here. While I may be a familiar name to some of you here who frequent the A7X Discord, I'll introduce myself to those that have no idea. I'm "Deformance" or "Def"/"Deffy", a 26-year-old civil engineer from the Netherlands, and I've been playing the guitar ever since I was 12 years old. Over the course of the last six and a half months, I've been able to contribute my skills to the guys by helping them run their Discord server for which I was brought on as a moderator in August of 2021 and where, more recently, I was promoted to an administrator. Prior to Avenged, I've worked with or still work with artists such as Trivium, King Diamond, While She Sleeps and more, for which I mostly provide community control services and tech support wherever applicable.
My start on the instrument coincided with the time when I found Avenged Sevenfold around November of 2007 because "Almost Easy" was featured on Need For Speed: Pro Street, oh the memories
. You can say they're pretty much the band that inspired and taught me how to play. Over the years, I've been on and off with the instrument in terms of thorough practise but it has always been a key part of me. There has rarely been a period longer than two/three days where I wouldn't have picked up the instrument and just jammed and/or played a few songs. It's been a wild ride and now here we are. I've been incredibly lucky and fortunate to be able to get my hands on Syn's 1/1 NFT called "Hobo". I can't wait to dive into all Synner has to offer and make my way around the guitar lessons. I'm set to relearn how to play because I feel I lack some fundamentals that keep me from progressing even further, so that will be the primary goal for me on here this year.
Lastly, I'd just like to share what guitars I own because I like 'em;
I'm excited and glad to be a part of this community. Much love.
- Def
Following Andy's post about his 1/1 redeem, I thought it was only fitting to introduce myself as well. Big thanks to @Radu-Cristian Perde for helping me out here. While I may be a familiar name to some of you here who frequent the A7X Discord, I'll introduce myself to those that have no idea. I'm "Deformance" or "Def"/"Deffy", a 26-year-old civil engineer from the Netherlands, and I've been playing the guitar ever since I was 12 years old. Over the course of the last six and a half months, I've been able to contribute my skills to the guys by helping them run their Discord server for which I was brought on as a moderator in August of 2021 and where, more recently, I was promoted to an administrator. Prior to Avenged, I've worked with or still work with artists such as Trivium, King Diamond, While She Sleeps and more, for which I mostly provide community control services and tech support wherever applicable.
My start on the instrument coincided with the time when I found Avenged Sevenfold around November of 2007 because "Almost Easy" was featured on Need For Speed: Pro Street, oh the memories
Lastly, I'd just like to share what guitars I own because I like 'em;
- Aristides H/07 Custom | Triple Marble Fade 7-string
- Epiphone Les Paul Custom Matt Heafy Signature Model | Black 6-string
- Epiphone Les Paul Custom Matt Heafy Signature Model | Black 7-string
- Gibson Explorer 7-string, previously owned by Matt Heafy | White
I'm excited and glad to be a part of this community. Much love.
- Def