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I’ve just started learning guitar of the last month or so. I’m finding it really difficult to play the low e string with my pinky (C?). Anyone got any advice??
Are you having trouble teaching it or pressing down?
If you’re having trouble pressing down it’s simply a matter of building strength in your pinky. If it’s reaching you may need to change the way you hold your guitar.
Hey there Tom! Glad you picked it up! Ids is right. But it could be how your pinky is being placed on the string. Make sure it’s curled enough to be able to put decent pressure on the string. Also, the pinky is easily the weakest finger, so like Ids says it may just be a matter of strengthening it. But don’t worry!! All guitarists have had this issue as well
True dat my mans. Also, sometimes we get in our own way with keeping “proper hand placement”. But if you watch some of the greats (Syn included), you’ll see their grip changes a lot depending on where they’re at on the neck. You can start with the “proper hand placement” and adjust from there to get to those hard-to-reach notes with that pesky little pinky. I know I had this problem until I realized “I have to play how it’s comfortable for ME”.