• Join the A7X Discord!

    We're updating the community and moving all social content from the community to the Discord. All lessons related conversations will still take place here though! Join the Discord below and view the full announcement for more details


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     We wanted to take a moment to bring all of you up to speed on the Synner site’s leadership after recent changes. First, we’d like to announce the addition of Radu-Cristian Perde to the team. Radu has been an integral part of the school for a long time, and brings a ton of knowledge about guitar, bass, and especially audio and video production, as anyone lucky enough to attend his recent webinar can affirm.

     While the majority of the critical decision-making for the school will be made collectively by the five of us, Radu will be the most prominent face and voice of the leadership team, and we’re excited about the energy, direction and fun he will bring to our community.

     As Syn and Papa Gates have been saying recently, there are a lot of exciting changes coming to the School, the site and the Synner brand in the near future, and as a leadership team we are committed to bringing it all to you in the best possible way.

Your Leadership Team:

          [USER=4668]@Alicia Willis[/USER]

         [USER=1427]@Ed Seith[/USER]

          [USER=256]@Jamie London[/USER]

          [USER=223]@Millie Imber[/USER]

          [USER=13676]@Radu-Cristian Perde[/USER]
