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Bb Chord Progression

Alec Lewis

Stairway to Heaven Tab Studier
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I was talking to my Jazz Teacher at my school, and i’m thinking about trying out next year. He told me that a lot of the stuff they are working on uses Bb chord progression specifically Bb, Eb, and F, or I, IV , V i think is the notation for the progression. Anyways I was wondering if anyone could take the time to maybe do a little video on that progression and maybe a couple scales to go with it in order for me to apply them to real music. I am still at a somewhat beginner level and certainly a beginner in the jazz guitar genre. There is no rush as I don’t actually try out until next year so I am sure someone will be my savior before then lol, but nonetheless I would greatly appreciate a video on this. In the meantime i’ll do my own research on the progression and try to learn a bit from that.

    Jak Angelescu

    That’s great that you’re going to try out! I wish you luck! First thing I’d like to ask though, is – are the chords just straight major chords? Jazz uses a lot of seven, augmented, and diminished chords. With the progression you gave me, you can easily play a Bb major scale and the relative minor scale of G. You could also try using the Gminor pentatonic blues scale and see how it sounds, but it may be too ‘dark’ for this little happy progression. So those are some scales you can start with 🙂 But like I said, this progression has a very “happy” sound, and not entirely “jazzy” per se. Double check with your instructor to make sure those are the actual chords 🙂