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Beautiful, Gentle Backing Track for Syn's Etude Alternate Picking 1


Jak Angelescu

Hey guys! I was practicing the Etude and since it’s in D Aeolian (I think?) I found a backing track that is in F major, Joe Satriani style. The reason why I found a different backing track is because I was thinking to myself, “This scale sounds so dark and metal and heavy. I wonder what it sounds like featured in it’s major key over a different chord progression?”
Sure enough, it sounds very happy. Beautiful and melodic. So if you’re looking to see how the Etude’s can expand into other areas, I think it’s cool to find the key it could be in and find another backing track online to see how it transposes into other sounds. I really like it!
If you’re interested in taking Syn’s Alternate Picking 1 into another sound and improvise using it, here’s the backing track I used
When I have time I’ll post up my David Gilmour improv along with this one.
You can play G minor, F major and D aeolian to start you off

Jak Angelescu

Hey there buddy. For some reason the link is broken. As soon as I click on it it just takes me back to the homepage of the website. I saw that other people were having issues with one of the ètude parts. Maybe the site is being wonky