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Best way to clean guitar neck?

Filip Tomiša

Campfire Attention Holder
Nov 11, 2019
What’s the best way to clean a guitar neck? A lot of people say different things when it comes to cleaning. Some say lemon oil is good some say it’s bad. How do you guys clean your neck? Do you guys use lemon oil or no, do you maybe use guitar polish or do you just wipe your fretboard with a paper towel? Does the fretboard material depend on the way you clean your guitar?

Jake Young

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I’ve read all the mixed opinions of using lemon oil.. I’ve used it for years with no problem. You just don’t want use it very often..general consensus is twice a year. If you just wipe it down with a rag when you change the strings it should prevent too much DNA from building up haha

Brian Haner Sr.

Staff member
Fucking Legend
Nov 11, 2019
Take your strings off and scrape the dirt off the neck with a credit card – always going with the grain. I use Planet Waves Hydrate and I love it. Just spray it on. Let it soak in and then wipe it off.
Lots of people use lemon oil – but it’s a very diluted mixture – like 2% lemon. And even then, it’s not good to use too often.
ALSO VERY IMPORTANT – This DOES NOT pertain to maple fretboards. Maple fretboards have a finish on them. They just need to be wiped down. NEVER use lemon oil or Hydrate on them. You can use the same polish on them that you use on the rest of your guitar.
Hope that helps!
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Jake Arnold

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Traverse City
I use a very fine steel wool after removing the strings to get all of the build up off of the frets. Do not use wet paper towel if you do. You dont want the wood to absorb water.
After using the fine steel wool I do use lemon oil (actual lemon oil) I use a type of wood hydrating goo (not sure what the name is and exactly what is in it, but I will find it and let you know) it does have citrus oil in it but it also has other stuff that helps maintain the wood on the fret board.
Let the fret board drink the oil, you dont want to load it on there, just enough to wet it down.
After 10 minutes or so wipe the extra off.
I only do this about twice a year to not over moisten the neck.
Hopefully this is useful for ya!