I'd say this is a valid and okay to ask question, because the process will be different for everyone. I follow a bit more with what Zack says, start with at least 5 minutes of warmups, then I'll spend maybe 10-15 on scales (can be 5-10 if you don't want to spend as long practicing!), then what I personally like to do is pick a song I wanna learn, start to play it, find out what techniques they use in that song and follow that up with finding a lesson here that corresponds to those techniques/tricks. For instance, I started going through Death By Rock and Roll by The Pretty Reckless (fairly simple song to pick up!) but they use a technique I haven't practiced much at all, which is pinch/artificial harmonics. I just happened to get through some of the intermediate lessons which ended with how to do pinch harmonics which really helped me figure out how to land them and bam: I'm moving forward more with that song.
Another aside to consider is to not stick just to these lessons. Take what they teach here and experiment with it on your own. If something doesn't quite stick or make sense, make note of it and do some research. There are tons of articles and YT videos of people explaining the same concepts, and one person may explain it in a way that makes more sense to you than it does here. Circle of 5ths is a great example for me. I had a bit of trouble grasping it from these lessons so I did more research and watched a few different videos until I found one that really clicked for me.
As your confidence grows, start trying to make your own little licks here and there. This will help build and flex your creative muscles while helping you solidify the lessons you learn. Take one lesson (maybe it's on a particular scale) then start playing with that scale on your own. Do different things with it, from string skipping to bending, hammer ons and pull offs, tapping etc. You probably haven't gotten there quite yet and that's okay. Take it one small piece at a time and let your confidence grow.
All in all, as with anything in life, the only thing that truly matters is consistency. What can you do and practice regularly that you can enjoy and be consistent with? Whatever that is, do it.
good luck with it and have fun!