Hi guys. Ive completed all of the CAGED lessons and have recently started on learning the fretboard and I was wondering. How do I know which pentatonic scale pr major scale i'm playing?
For example, if I take the A shape, 5th position and play the pentatonic scale and major scale, these are in the key of D right? (please correct me if im wrong as im not sure). So if i wanted to move say the A shape pentatonic up to where the A shape would be in the 7th position, would this make the pentatonic the E pentatonic right?
This is what i think it is but im not sure, so please correct me so I can understand this a little more.
For example, if I take the A shape, 5th position and play the pentatonic scale and major scale, these are in the key of D right? (please correct me if im wrong as im not sure). So if i wanted to move say the A shape pentatonic up to where the A shape would be in the 7th position, would this make the pentatonic the E pentatonic right?
This is what i think it is but im not sure, so please correct me so I can understand this a little more.