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CAGED Question

Ethan Keeling

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
Aylesbury, England
Hi guys. Ive completed all of the CAGED lessons and have recently started on learning the fretboard and I was wondering. How do I know which pentatonic scale pr major scale i'm playing?

For example, if I take the A shape, 5th position and play the pentatonic scale and major scale, these are in the key of D right? (please correct me if im wrong as im not sure). So if i wanted to move say the A shape pentatonic up to where the A shape would be in the 7th position, would this make the pentatonic the E pentatonic right?

This is what i think it is but im not sure, so please correct me so I can understand this a little more.



Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
Which scales I don't think I caged shapes at all. I just kinda go these are the notes I'm looking for and that's where to find them. With chords I do think shapes because that's more resembling of a shape for me. Scales are really just a set of notes in my head and never shapes that much anymore.

But yeah basically if you play a scale with c d e f g a b in it anywhere on the neck whatever position it is a c major scale (or any of it's modes depending on the tone center)

Yes A shape with root at 5th fret is a D chord and if you pentatonic scale has the note D, E, F#, A, B in it, it is the D pentatonic scale. If it has the notes D E G A C in it it would be D Dorian etc. It's really all about the notes that are in the scale


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
The name of the specific scale depends on the root(usually the note you start on) so they do kinda have to be I order. Don't play them in order when you solo though just from a theory point of view and naming them the order of the notes is important.