Totally recommend it. It is SO easy to use and you can play basicly everything Tuning wise. That's because the drop Pedal completes my "perfect" tiny bedroom Setup which is an AMP with drop pedal and two guitars, one Standard E, one drop D. No Tuning needed. Ever.
So yeah, it's great. I used to have one guitar in drop c but now I Just use the drop Pedal and I can't really Tell the difference. The deeper it gets the darker and muddier your Tone gets but with a little amp tweaking thats No Problem. Maybe add a little more treble and presence.
Plus it's awesome to Play some Red hot Chili peppers in one second and then riffing some Amon Amarth in the next second Just cause you feel Like
Two minor downsides in my opinion:
1) If you practice at very Low volumes it can get a little confusing because especially on the Higher Strings you'll hear the notes of your actual tuning through.
2) If you practice a lower Tuning song you basicly have to use your AMP for practice all the time because otherwise you are (obviously) in the wrong Tuning.
Hope that was somewhat helpful