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Economy Picking I

Adin Shepherd

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Melbourne, Australia
What's the difference between economy picking and alternate picking?

Alternate picking uses a strict up, down, up, down motion where economy picking will include up strokes or down strokes in one continuous motion, normally when switching strings, like mini sweeps. You will see it in the Etude video (the slowest run), as Syn switches strings he keeps the downward pick motion from the previous string into the new one (and the upward motion when descending).

As a general rule of thumb, odd numbered note groupings lend themselves better to economy picking, whis is probably why 3 notes per string scales are so popular among shredders.

Hope that makes sense.
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Garage band Groupie
Nov 30, 2019
What's the difference between economy picking and alternate pick
Economy picking basically combines alternate picking with sweep picking. It has the alternate picking on the strings while still sweeping up and down the neck on the frets.
And also how he use his left hand fingers for having a more fluid playing
Synner Endless Summer Collection

William B.

Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Does anyone know why before he starts playing, he extends his bottom fingers then tucks them in. Is that like a trick to make sure your hand is aligned correctly. Same thing with his pinky drawing an arc as he plays. Any idea
    I think it's to feel the distance on his picking hand and maybe some preventive muting.
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    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 24, 2020
    Austin TX
    I really like how in the triplet section the notes that land on the one beat are changing every time you hit the bottom or top of the scale. It used to make me mad because it was confusing and hard to just mindlessly run the scale when I knew I had the speed, but now I realize that that's probably the point of the exercise, to get you used to confusing runs like that while the picking technique stays exactly the same.