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entries for finish my solo



Fho is entering for the second half of course if you read my last post about this topic, there can be more then one person for the second half we have enough judges, and I will message ids to make sure he has the first half. So just say if you are entering and post a video soon I will begin judging soon. Enjoy the next post will be about the rules

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
Id do this but honestly the last challenge is still going and i can’t balance more then 1. I also feel people arent 100% ready for things like this. Seemes each weekly challenge we lost members maybe people get discouraged easily. Not saying dont do it i welcome seeing the entries and ill check them out. But yeah.. im gonna do what jak suggested to me and focus on one scale.. and master what i can before feeling ready to do another challenge.
Synner Endless Summer Collection