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Happy Thanksgiving!

Steven Huth

Local Dive Bar Favorite
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Happy Thanksgiving to everyone! I hope you all get to enjoy it with friends and family today.

    This holiday always is a good time to reflect over the year and really think about the things that matter the most.

    I’m thankful for everyone here and glad we have a place to learn, shred, and get to know like minded people.

    Feel free to share what you are thankful for!
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    Happy Thanksgiving to all of you as well! And for those of you who are not in America, I side with Ed lol. There are so many things I am grateful for this year. I have a new place to live, I have a really good paying job, my health is getting in order and so much more. I'm also very grateful to have buried the hatchet with a very dear old friend of mine who came forward recently to "clear the air". This person knows who they are🙂
    I am thankful for this wonderful community and all of the people apart of it. That and I am definitely thankful for my best friend who I'm so grateful that she is still here with me and I get to spend today with her for the first time in our whole lives in a relaxing environment for the holidays.

    Love my Synner family
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    I dread the home alone reruns...
    With you there, too. Elf, It's a Wonderful Life, and Die Hard, along with the little known A Wish for Wings that Work, and that's all my Christmas stuff. Maybe Bad Santa and Fat Man, too.


    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Feb 22, 2021
    Happy Thanksgiving for those who celebrate! I'm grateful for every experience I lived this year (yeah too lazy to give details 😂) because they either gave me happiness or wisdom to face new ones. I'm also super grateful for meeting amazing people this year and building amazing friendships that I want to carry forever ❤️
    Oh, and grateful for finally finishing college 🎉 I smell freedoooooooooom 🙌

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA

    Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    I thankful for realizing who my true friends are. Those hating on home alone are now banished from my life. It’s a classic damnit !!! 😡

    Seriously though, I’m so incredibly thankful for this amazing community. Even if you don’t know it, each and every one of you guys has touched my heart and taught me so much in such a short amount of time.
    The Synner community really is a family and I love you all so much !

    Aside from the mushy stuff, I’m definitely grateful for ibuprofen right now. Drove 6 hours today and my back is killing me !
    *cries in old people pain*

    Happy holidays y’all ! 🤘🏻
    Synner Endless Summer Collection


    I thankful for realizing who my true friends are. Those hating on home alone are now banished from my life. It’s a classic damnit !!! 😡

    Seriously though, I’m so incredibly thankful for this amazing community. Even if you don’t know it, each and every one of you guys has touched my heart and taught me so much in such a sort amount of time.
    The Synner community really is a family and I love you all so much !

    Aside from the mushy stuff, I’m definitely grateful for ibuprofen right now. Drove 6 hours today and my back is killing me !
    *cries in old people pain*

    Happy holidays y’all ! 🤘🏻
    I know right?! Home Alone is awesome!!😂

    Brian Haner Sr.

    Staff member
    Fucking Legend
    Nov 11, 2019
    I thankful for realizing who my true friends are. Those hating on home alone are now banished from my life. It’s a classic damnit !!! 😡

    Seriously though, I’m so incredibly thankful for this amazing community. Even if you don’t know it, each and every one of you guys has touched my heart and taught me so much in such a sort amount of time.
    The Synner community really is a family and I love you all so much !

    Aside from the mushy stuff, I’m definitely grateful for ibuprofen right now. Drove 6 hours today and my back is killing me !
    *cries in old people pain*

    Happy holidays y’all ! 🤘🏻
    Home Alone has been played to death, yet somehow we watch it every year, and every year I find myself gut-laughing at the abuse he unleashes on Pesci & Stern. (Stern's scream when the tarantula is on his face is worth the price of admission). I also find myself tearing up at the end when his neighbor is reunited with his family. A beautiful moment. I remember the first time I saw it, thinking - My God - who did this score? It's freaking incredible. Credits roll: John Williams. I was like - no shit - no wonder. One of the finest, most poignant scores ever written.
    When pieces of art become classics and they over-saturate the market with them, it's easy to write them off. How good could it be if EVERYONE likes it? Well, the answer is: very good. (Google: Beatles)
    Things don't become classics because they suck. As with any art - it might not be your cup of tea, but it is a tightly-written, well-acted, well-directed movie, (with an incredible score).

    Happy Turkey Day!

    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Sorry I'm late, Happy Thanksgiving! :D ( tardy ) I'm thankful giving thanks :D
    I miss the celebrating holidays and the cool things associated, it's on me though
    First time I played Zelda was a holiday Thanksgiving weekend at my grandparents, first time I ate pumpkin pie I ate so much I threw up, totally missed the toilet and my cousin got upset cause he had to clean it

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Sorry I'm late, Happy Thanksgiving! :D ( tardy ) I'm thankful giving thanks :D
    I miss the celebrating holidays and the cool things associated, it's on me though
    First time I played Zelda was a holiday Thanksgiving weekend at my grandparents, first time I ate pumpkin pie I ate so much I threw up, totally missed the toilet and my cousin got upset cause he had to clean it

    In October of 1997, I packed up and moved across the country, from NY state to Arizona. I didn't know a soul in Arizona, so I was completely alone for the holidays. There was VERY little on the internet at the time, and certainly no video streaming or anything that you could watch, but Holiday TV show and movie marathons had started to be a thing, and I remember spending my first "alone" Thanksgiving watching an X-Files marathon on TV and eating ceareal and desserts all weekend. It was glorious.

    That's great stuff about Zelda and pumpkin pie. I hate pumpkin pie, but I recently got a Nintendo Switch Lite and have been playing through the original Legend of Zelda for the first time in like 30 years.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    William B.

    Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    That's where my grandparents lived after moving, it was so hot and barren.
    We drove there like every month or three to visit.
    original Legend of Zelda
    I think it was that one or may have been part 2
    the screen was like pink and green with a red rocky waterfall

    I feel like watching X - Files now or the twilight zone
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    Jamie London

    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Sorry I'm late, Happy Thanksgiving! :D ( tardy ) I'm thankful giving thanks :D
    I miss the celebrating holidays and the cool things associated, it's on me though
    First time I played Zelda was a holiday Thanksgiving weekend at my grandparents, first time I ate pumpkin pie I ate so much I threw up, totally missed the toilet and my cousin got upset cause he had to clean it
    My man! Haha Zelda is one of, if not my favorite video game series of all time!
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