So instead of learning the first minute of domination by Pantera for the #metalminute thing on Instagram I started learning Nuages by Django Reinhardt and he uses harp harmonics before he goes into his solo. I’m struggling getting them right consistently at the moment but that should be okay after a bunch of practice. I’m wondering whether you guys ever used them and maybe have some tips to speed up my practice a little bit so I can actually start with domination 
Also, I noticed Django uses a Dm6 arpeggio over a G7 chord in this song. So that’s another cool substitution idea kinda thing you can use(D fifth of G, B major third of G and sixth of D, F minor third of D and minor seventh of G, A 2nd of G and fifth of D just in case anyone wonders why it works

Also, I noticed Django uses a Dm6 arpeggio over a G7 chord in this song. So that’s another cool substitution idea kinda thing you can use(D fifth of G, B major third of G and sixth of D, F minor third of D and minor seventh of G, A 2nd of G and fifth of D just in case anyone wonders why it works