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Help me pick a guitar!!!

Alicia Willis

  • Nov 11, 2019
    Lexington, South Carolina
    Hey y’all ! 😉
    So as the title implies I need help picking a guitar ! I’ve been playing off and on for awhile now due to some issues. So I still classify myself as a beginner. I’ve always played my husbands guitars but I want my own ! I do have an ovation acoustic which I ADoRE! But….I need my own electric.
    As far as electrics go I played the hubbys fender strat a bunch and grew accustomed to it but then he got rid of it 🙁
    I’ve since played a schecter, Gibson, and an Ibanez.
    I liked the schecter for the most part but felt the spacing between frets was odd (could just be me)
    I HATE the Gibson.
    The Ibanez is okay, it’s a seven string so I feel I’m stretching entirely too much for my small hands but I like the feel of the neck and I’m thinking maybe a 6 string Ibanez would feel better.
    I have small hands so reach is an issue. I need something with a small neck, and not so much space between frets.
    What would y’all suggest I get ?!

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Ibanez six strings are great. I don’t know what your budget is, but they run the gamut there, from the Gio entry models that are around $100-200 US all the way up to the Prestige and J Customs that can run several thousand. I find the best bang for the buck with Ibanez is usually nowadays in the $1000-1500 range. You can also look into the Ibanez Jiva, which is a REALLY nice axe that is a Nita Strauss signature. It’s not overly “customized” with her name and shit, so it’s not like if you play it, people with think you’re a superfan. But I imagine the neck profile might be exactly what you’re looking for.
    Also, there are PRS – regular and SE versions. The SEs are a fantastic bang for the buck, and the fret spacing (scale length) is shorter than Fender/Schecter/Ibanez (25.5″) but longer than Gibson (24.75″) at 25. My short fingers find it JUST RIGHT. There are absolutely gorgeous PRS SE models for under $1000 US.
    Of course, if you hang out on Reverb.com, you can find a lot of these used for a lot less money, and perhaps that’s a solid option, too.
    This is exciting! My first guitar purchases (my first 3 actually!) were all Ibanez. Good luck!

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    I suggest walking into the store.and trying different stuff out. You may like certain shapes.. or weights.go see what feels comfortable. For your FIRST electric I feel this is the way to go. After.. you can sort of take what you want and mess around with it on your 2nd guitar.but make sure you enjoy playing the one you buy first.

    Adin Shepherd

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Melbourne, Australia
    Well, picking a guitar is really a personal choice, what works for me may not work for you. As Calvin said, play as many different brands and models as you can. You will know when you have found the right one.
    Budget will also play a factor in your decision.
    ESP, Ibanez, Jackson, PRS, Schecter are all great options to check out.
    Good luck and happy hunting!

    Firsty Lasty

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    A couple of choices to maybe pick up and try in a guitar store are the Fender mustang and jaguar models. They have a slightly shorter scale length for your smaller hands, but they’re still proper guitars.
    Among the guitars that I actually own my Jackson Mick Thomson signature (import, not USA) is by far the most hand-friendly. Even though it doesn’t have a shorter scale length it’s just great. It’s priced above what I would recommend for someone’s first electric guitar, but if you see one in a store you should try it anyway just so your hand can feel what it’s like.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Noah Berends

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Fort Wayne, IN
    Since you mentioned smaller hands, some of the budget PRS models may be worth looking at, like Ed mentioned. If you’re accustomed to a Strat then you’re accustomed to 25.5inch scale length, which is the distance between the nut and the bridge saddles. PRS scale length is 25 inch, which is longer than Gibson, but shorter than Fender, meaning the frets are gonna be ever so slightly closer together. This may help playability, but as others have said, it may be most beneficial to to just block off a bunch of time and head on down to a local guitar shop and just go nuts.

    This reply was modified 4 months, 1 week ago by  Noah Berends.


    Dan Shipway

    Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I have a few questions before I make suggestions.
    What is your budget?
    Floating bridge or non floating?
    What body shapes do you like, do you like a strat or something like a flying v?
    Dont worry I also hate Gibson, the fact that they haven’t done anything that players have wanted since the 60s and pretty much only market their guitars on their history really winds me up the wrong way.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection

    Dan Shipway

    Slim Shady
  • Nov 11, 2019
    This may work, looks stunning, uses active pickups for higher output and no Floyd. It also has schecters thinnest neck (same that is on the syn models and a set neck construction that feels gorgeous.

    Brian Haner Sr.

    Staff member
    Fucking Legend
    Nov 11, 2019
    Hi Alicia!
    Nothing much to add here. Ibanez & PRS would certainly fit the bill. The Fender Jags, Jazzmasters & Mustangs all have REALLY small necks. I have a Jag that I love. But I’m not sure you want to go that bold. lol
    Actually, the new Syn satin gold burst has a much smaller neck than his others. I LOVE that guitar because I have small hands as well.
    I think the best suggestion is play as many different guitars as you can. When you find the right one – you’ll know immediately.
    Oh – and tell your husband to stop selling shit.
    Synner Endless Summer Collection