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Hey guys!

David Oberlin

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
What’s up guys! I’m Davey. I’m on my second account here because I’m unable to login to my original. No worries! I just wanted to say hello to the community.
A little about me: I have played in many different bands and projects. Among those I was lead guitar for Winds of Plague (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Enbhqu7zXs8) for several years. Now I’m the current live keyboard player for the band KORN (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zW2WtZsPbZM).
I absolutely love song writing, recording, and updating myself as tech improves. Check out some of my synthwave/retrowave recordings at http://www.soundcloud.com/allthedamnvampires
You can also check out some of the heavier writing and recording I’ve done for my fun project The Destroyer here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vmhCiOvOrDY
I’d love to answer any recording, or synth questions you might have for me, or just hear your thoughts on some work I’ve done.

Kfir Yaakovi

Hot Topic Tourer
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Welcome back! XD
    So nice of you to offer help!
    I’m Kfir, first account here. You can read about me/other people who commented on my thread:
    My journey with Avenged Sevenfold.

    I might actually need help in recording stuff! Ill get back to ya on that
    Enjoy your time here!

    Syn Gates

    Staff member
    Sep 18, 2019
    Huntington Beach
    Hey everyone, I’m STOKED to “re” intro you to Davey, a great friend of mine for many years. This dude is a STUD! I couldn’t be more grateful to have someone of his caliber here to help us all out and the fact that we live around the corner from each other and get to hang on tour is pretty damn special. Give the man some love and introduce yourselves!
    Thanks Davey!

    Filip Tomiša

    Campfire Attention Holder
    Nov 11, 2019
    Welcome back Davey! It’s awesome to hear that you make synthwave music. I love synthwave, I also did a couple of synthwave tracks but I’m still learning. I have a couple of questions; 1. Which synthwave artists would you recommend to me? 2. What are your go-to synths. Do you use only analog gear or do you also use VSTs for synthwave and if yes which ones? Thanks!

    David Oberlin

    New Student
    Nov 11, 2019
    Thank you so much for the kind words Syn! You are a great friend, an inspiration, and we are all blessed to have this platform thanks to you!
    Filip, to answer some of your questions:
    1. Which synthwave artists would you recommend to me?
    I recommend FM84, Gunship, The Midnight, Timecop1983, Earthshifter, and Freeweights.
    2. What are your go-to synths. Do you use only analog gear or do you also use VSTs for synthwave and if yes which ones?
    I strictly use VST’s at the moment. My go to synths are Serum, DIVA, PG8X, and I some of the synth packs within the Native Instruments Komplete library. You can find great premade presets to help kick things off all over the internet. Just hone in on your search subject, and go between youtube and google. A lot of the time, youtube will showcase some presets and the download link will be included below in the info.

    Filip Tomiša

    Campfire Attention Holder
    Nov 11, 2019
    Awesome! The Midnight and FM-84 are my all time favourite synthwave artists. I haven’t heard of the others except Timecop1983 but I’ll definitely check them out. The artists I’d recommend to you are Carpenter Brut, Starcadian and Trevor Something in case you haven’t heard of them.
    I use Serum as well and I’ll check out DIVA and PG8X.
    Thanks for responding!!