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How Is Everyone Doing?


Jak Angelescu

Hello there guys and dolls! I was just curious to see how everyone is doing. I check my emails and the site regularly every day and even multiple times A-day and it seems like not only is the riff page slowing down, but the forum pages are slowing down as well. I know that school is becoming a madhouse for many of our students and with the holidays coming up I’m sure everybody is in a frenzy! So I was just checking to see how everyone is doing and hoping that you all are getting great progress in your lives.
In case you missed it, there is an October contest going on for a sinister gates school gift card. Check the sticky forum topic above for the details and participate if you can! We don’t have any participants so far other than captain Ed and myself and we technically don’t count.
Also don’t forget that the first batch of questions still need answers! I have only received answers from 3 students and there are still tons of questions left to be answered. If you would like more details on this, I would be more than happy to link you to the forum topic that describes what’s going on.
As far as I go, I was accepted with a scholarship to a very elite realestate business training course and so I have learned so much that has trickled down into my life and not just into my business endeavors. It has improved me in so many ways that I’m finding myself actually having more time for guitar and I have been working very diligently and am very happy to say that I will be completing the beginner section of the school by the end of October! Also our single Purgatory will be finished very soon. It’s been very difficult juggling two different jobs trying to make ends meet but I finally quit my other job because it was taking up my time with music and my real estate career.
What I have learned so far is that you are going to be stressed by making necessary changes for a better life and things will be uncomfortable in the beginning. But in order for real progress to happen, we have to get Comfortable with being uncomfortable. You all have a wonderful night!

This topic was modified 3 weeks, 4 days ago by  Jak Angelescu.


Jak Angelescu

Yes Calvin! I’m glad you keep us up-to-date with what you are doing! I read your post yesterday.
It just almost seems like a ghost town on the school these last few weeks at least in comparison to what it usually is so I thought I’d just check on everyone.

Ethan Keeling

Garage band Groupie
Nov 11, 2019
Aylesbury, England
Been a busy week so I havent played too much, but that’s changing this weekend baby!
For those who dont know I’m from the UK, I do a plumbing apprentaship and I dream of moving to the west coast of america… and guess what?
Over the moon tbh

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    @ethan, that’s AMAZING, but be aware that the San Francisco Bay area is literally one of the most expensive places in the world to live right now, so make sure the pay is appropriate – even if you think, “wow, I never thought I’d ever make that much money in my life!” it still may not be enough to live the way you’re used to in San Fran. Just do your research and be cautious! Good luck!

    Ed Seith

    Supreme Galactic Overlord
    Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    I’ve been busy this week mostly helping my wife. It’s been crunch time for her with some school stuff, and I proof most of her writing, among other things, so that’s had me busy.
    I started experimenting with heavier strings some time ago, and I think I may have gone too far. For decades, I was a 9-46 guy. Six or 8 months ago, I moved up to 10s, and that was great, but then I pushed it. 10-52s on a standard tuned guitar is a bit much, and it’s causing tuning issues because I don’t want to cut the nut slots too much. I decided I would go back to 10-46s for standard tuning (the Kiesel) and 10-48s for the Drop D (currently the PRS) as well as Eb standard (blue Ibanez, Les Paul) and Eb drop C# (the Ormsby – the extended range should keep the 48 taut at C#). The Perle will probably stay E standard (and Drop D, since fixed bridge), with the black Ibanez at Drop B (12-56s – this was what I did on the Floyd Rose video) and the smoke Ibanez at D/Drop C (11-52).
    I still have about half to restring and setup, but I think that’s where it’s all gonna land in the end to make me happy.

    Jak Angelescu

    Ethan this is GREAT news!! Talk about a lifetime opportunity!! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you! Just go in there with your head up and heart full and you’ll be ok! I’m actually moving to southern California in the next year so if you’re out in San Francisco, you could always come and stay with me. I’m not sure if my job will take me to Huntington Beach specifically but it’s in Orange County. But it would still be cool!!
    Ed I didn’t know your wife was a writer!! How cool is that? What kind of writing does she do? Also, I like how you talk about strings affecting the tuning. This is something I should keep in mind because I recently changed string gauge on my Gibson and I’ve been having tuning issues.

    Jak Angelescu

    Oh sorry Ed the way it was worded I thought she was going to school for writing. I didn’t see the medical part. My bad! How incredible. Medical school. Wow. You must be very proud of her!

    This reply was modified 3 weeks, 3 days ago by  Jak Angelescu.


    Rute Rodrigues

    Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    I`ve been kinda busy with school. Im in the last year of normal school, and it is also the hardest, so I really need to study. Next year Im going to uni (COF COF I hope) But I cant live a day without playing guitar so I always wake up around 5:30am just to play, until 8am, thats when my school starts. Its not an effort, is really cool. My mum hates but yeah. If next year I go to uni, Ill go to a music college too, here in my country, it is the greatest music school on Portugal, so I can follow my dream
    Right now Im on the Syn Etude 1 Alternate Picking, and a friend just challenged me to play Tornado of Souls, and I was stupid enought to say yes, so Ill try it… Meh. I think Im going to start a band with that friend, but its too early to say, cause we need to find a bassist. A bassist. Yes. (Why are bassists so hard find? Damn)
    @jak I recorded two videos already. Ill record the last one tomorrow! Ill send you when its done.
    Oh! and Im participating on the metal minute thing, but its not with my original account, its with an account called @marlyn_voe_sgs_ so if you see some videos from that acc, remember that thats me ok?

    Dominik Gräber

    Hot Topic Tourer
    Contest Winner!
  • Nov 11, 2019
    So I had not much mind for guitars lately. I have to apply for apprenticeships and working. And now both of my guitars are sent in to get work done on them. Which means no Metalminute from me for a couple more days. Also as most of you might know by now, I am pretty busy with doing leatherworking. Single projects start to consume way more time than they did before (Ed’s strap for example).
    But I saw Metallica S&M2 in the movies on friday, which got me motivated to start learning some riffs again for Metalminute. Not to win anything, just to get me riffing again

    Cedric L

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    I’m also busy with college right now. But besides that I try to get a good sound on my Axe FX and my drum plugin (GGD). I want to start mixing my own music. It’s harder than I thought at the beginning. If I have a good sound, I would like to upload more videos again and be more active.


    Sold-out Crowd Surfer
    Nov 11, 2019
    I’m doing fine! I’m a little bit busy studying at the moment so I don’t really have a lot of time to play guitar at the moment. Sometimes it’s really just checking whether I know the notes of exist and that’s about it.

    Calvin Phillips

    Music Theory Bragger
    Nov 11, 2019
    Bought a new guitar. It’s a epiphone semi hollow looks like a custom model but I dunno the name well. Joe something lol. But was 999 with 0 % financing for 12 months. Out 110 down. 85 a month from here out. Go look at my latest riff to hear how it sounds. It’s not as thick as the gretsch was but I feel I can do a lot more with this then the gretsch could. Those humbuckers.