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Hi guys,
How long does it usually take to get verified? It still request pending, but it’s been days now. I was just wondering if there are still some problems with servers etc?
Make sure that you have a youtube account up and it’s linked to some sort of Google account. Like your Gmail is set up link to youtube and that you’re able to provide that. I think you can’t get verified unless they see you have a YouTube account through a Gmail address. If you have all this going for you, like Ids said, write the admins and they’ll take care of you
Still no reply from admin about my query I’m loving the school and the content, but not being able to upload riffs is hindering my experience a little bit. I’m sure they have a million other things to do, and will get to my problem as quickly as possible
I just thought I’d keep you guys updated…
I’m sorry you’re experiencing this Adam. Two other people are experiencing similar experiences and i’m trying to figure things out for you guys. This may sound stupid but do you have the content already on YouTube?
Thanks for your reply. That’s okay, it’s nobody’s fault, just a bit unfortunate that’s aĺl.
Yeah, the content is already on youtube
Thanks for trying to sort this out for me!