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How to get avenged sevenfolds tone?

Tomas Vicente Ramos

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Hey mate!, the tone of a guitar in general depends pretty much in a bunch of stuff, like Neck construction, the amp and the effects, bridge, etc
but you can get close to the tone of A7X, i’ve been playing with this settings in my amp and i feel is close
Gain: 8 or 9
Reactions: jimmyjames831

Michael Cheek

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I just downloaded the Tonebridge app today and it has some amazing tones on there based around specific songs. Many A7X songs on there as well. If you the ability to play your guitar through an iPhone/iPad it’s something fun to jam along with

Georgi Angelov

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
As many other players will tell, it depends on the guitar, amp, effects etc. I’m using the EHX-Metal Muff and Silencer through a Crate 120w head and Peavey Cab with the EQ on the Metall Muff all flat except the Distortion that is at about 7. The Amp EQ is: Gain-7 Bass-2 Midds-5 Treble-10 with a bit of Reverb & Delay. For the older metalcore stuff just crank up the Treble. I’m using a Cort EVL-4 and Ibanez DR170 and I’m getting pretty close to it. Just play around, use your ears and have fun
Reactions: John Robinson

Christopher Lonski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Tom, what gear do you currently use? All amps and pedals sound a bit different and need to be EQ’d a little differently to get a similar sound. Also, the gear that Synyster uses is somewhat high end and expensive, but that being said, he still sounds like Synyster Gates regardless of what he’s playing through. You’ll hear this A LOT through out your guitar journey and its 100% true- you get MOST of your tone and sound from your HANDS. Its the way you bend your notes, the amount of force and dynamics you use in your pick, how heavily you palm mute, how tight your rhythm is. I would mostly focus on how YOU sound and not so much your gear first. But ya know, a nice new amp or guitar never hurts : )

Christopher Lonski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Here’s a short little video I just did. Notice how the sound changes when I moved my picking hand further up the strings and back down? Where you mute your strings makes a difference, how hard you pick makes a difference. I like to mute my strings really heavily and then pick really hard and it gets the tight percussive sound. Its great for chunky metal riffs! But yeah, just notice the changes in looseness and tightness in the sound. That’s all being done with my hands and it makes a HuGE difference.


New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Christopher Lonski just said what i was about to say. I spent way to much money and time messing around with different pedals, amps, strings, picks, etc. until one day I saw some video of Syn playing on some completely random equipment and he still sounded like Syn. So I started working harder on how I play and actually started to turn the gain down more and more. You will soon realize that to much gain can be a bad thing sometimes. Don’t get me wrong, gain is good. But like everything else, it has its place. Play around with your hand placement and how you hold your pick. I used to hold my pick at a weird angle that made the plucking not so crisp, it was diagonal to the string, instead of landing flat on the string. Anyways, details only you can work out until you find the tone you like to make with your hands.

Truman Young

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
I used to use a tube amp that had 6L6 tubes. Now I use an EVH EL34 with EL34 tubes. I was amazed at how much better A7X songs sounded on my new amp. Now when I play songs from City of Evil it sounds very close to the record. Sounds super cool. If I had a Schecter guitar it would probably be identical.
Reactions: Jaylen_Owens

Michetei Mihnea

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
I’m using the amp matching feature in Bias Amp to replicate Synyster’s Bogner. The results are pretty much insane. I’ll upload soon some A7x riffs and also some tips and tricks.
Some solos I’ve recorded with Bias Amp
Reactions: h00jraq

Christopher Lonski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Yes! Thats exactly where I got mine. They are great for recording and reducing string noise, or for tapping to make sure other strings are ringing out when you dont want them to.

Dylan Richmond

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Does anyone have any advice for a7x tones on a line 6 spider iii amp. It will be awhile before i upgrade and i already have got the beast and the harlot tone but i cant find nightmare, afterlife, bat country, critical acclaim, or sheperd if fire. Could someone please help?

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
You’ll probably find bat country if you found beast. The others were a.l different album.. different set up.. etc. May be harder to find a match I think syn used line 6 on parts of city of evil. But I could be wrong there. I doubt he stuck with it afterwards tho.
I dont use distortion in my like 6. I stick of clean tones and use pedals to gain the distortion. Cept lead. I’ll use the lead on rock and metal.they are decent.

Ed Seith

Supreme Galactic Overlord
Staff member
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Marana, AZ USA
    Of course you can. Most people don’t have a whole lot of different tones for playing along to different songs. I’ve got an AxeFX, and I’ve got a sum total of 8 presets I use: Crystal Clean, slight breakup clean, rock rhythm, metal rhythm, lead tone, blues tone, Andy Timmons tone (for using one tone to cover a LOT of ground, with your volume and tone controls), and a sort of twangy sound.
    For 90% of the songs I play, it’s those first 5 and that’s it. Any Avenged heavy song I play, it’s all the metal rhythm. You don’t need a super-magic special tone for every song you play. You’ll go out of your mind if you try to do that.