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I just found a chord I didn't know worked

Christopher Lonski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
You can make any chord work if you use it correctly. Check out “Chord Chemistry” by Ted Greene. He talks about this in like the very first section and gives a cool chord progression.
Can you explain the voicing you’re using? I’d be interested to hear it. It sounds like it fits the major pentatonic tonality with the 2 and a major 6.


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
For a 6/9 wouldn’t you also need the major third in there as well? Because I’m neither playing a major or minor third so I figured it would be a SUS chord.
I use the bass note on the A string, then mute the D string with my middle finger, the 6th on the G string, and a bar on the b and high e string on the same for the fifth and the 2nd. For D6sus2 would be 5th fret A string, 4th fret G string, 5th fret b string, 5th fret high e.
Ooh I just realized you can also write that D6sus2 like Esus4/D

This reply was modified 2 months, 2 weeks ago by  Ids Schiere.

Synner Endless Summer Collection

Christopher Lonski

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Yeah, I mean you could use that chord as a Dorian type chord where the minor 3rd is implied by the rest of the progression. It’s probably used more commonly in a major tonality. It fits nicely in the Major(Ionian) scale and Mixolydian scale. If you bar your first finger that’s hitting the B on the 4th fret, you can also grab that F# to add the major 3rd. But yeah, technically the chord you are playing is a Dsus2 add6. If I remember correctly, for it to be called a D6, it has to have the major 3rd as well.
Honestly, the names dont matter so much as long as it sounds good to your ear and you can use it tastefully. The important thing is that it actually sounds good where you are using it as opposed to using it just to say that you used a Dsus2 add6 chord. It’s gotta fit the context of the song.