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I kinda need help on this one


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
It’s 11:30 pm here at the moment so I can’t really play guitar anymore. What I usually do when I want to play guitar but can’take for whatever reason is thinking about theory stuff but I’m a bit stuck with this one.
Basically I’ve been thinking about making a gypsy jazz version of hotel california for a while now. The chords I have right now are the following:
Bm6|F#7|Amaj6|E7|Gmaj6|D7|Em7|F#7 for the verse and for the chorus
My question is on which scales to use over these chords. I have all of them pretty much down. The chords I’m having trouble with are the Amaj6 and Gmaj6. What I have right now is Amaj6-G# harmonic minor, E melodic minor,Aadd9 arpeggio, Bmaj7b5 arp, Bmaj7b5 arp, F#blues. For Gmaj6 You should be able to simply move down the things you do over Amaj6 by a whole tone.
Am I correct with this?

Jak Angelescu

Thank you for posting this! I’m gonna take some of my knowledge I’ve been learning from Rick’s music theory classes and see if I can figure out the key signature of this, if there’s a modulation, and what scales you can use!