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I Need Help Figuring Out This Lick And Possibly Audio Help :)


Jak Angelescu

Hey, guys and dolls!
Okay, so this is a HUGE song I have wanted to learn since I first heard it. The Black Mages are just INSANE and I’m a huge Final Fantasy fan. But this one little lick I can’t figure out how he’s doing it. It’s around 3:01-3:04. Also, if anyone has the ability to bring the guitar track forward for me it would help IMMENSELY. There are a lot of runs and things in this song I can’t figure out because the tone of the guitar makes it bleed into itself too much in some spots and it gets drowned out. Thank you so much! Have a great day everyone!

Alan Celis

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
its full bend on the B string fret 15
then on the E string 12-14-12 hammer on while on the b string u fret the 15 (its the same motion as the sultans of swing lick)
then 12-15-12 E string and 12-17-12
then u finish it with a bend on B string fret 15 and the typical E minor blues scale run making sure you finish on the fret 12 of the G string, then go down a fret until you reach the 9th fret and you leave it there