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You would do this by utilising both left & right hand muting, simultaneously 👌

 Basically, whichever note you're playing should be the only note able to ring out on the Guitar (most of the time)

For example, say you only want to hear the G string:

Since there are the lower strings ( D, A and Low E)  above the G, you would rest your right hand palm gently on those strings to dampen them, while playing the G ** not like palm muting** further forward so that if they are played, they are deadened completely and you only hear the scuff of the string being plucked.

For the higher strings below the G string (B and High E) you could use the bottom/length of your 1st finger on your left hand to gently dampen them. This situation can change based on the playing situation but I find it's mostly 1st finger.

I always tell my students to imagine they have an annoying friend that will try to ping all the strings they aren't using - this usually does the trick.

Great question too! I think string muting is truly what makes fast guitar parts impressive, knowing the sheer control that the player has over the string noise, aswell as the fretboard 😊

Hope this helps 🤟