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I need some advice


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
I started with my master’s degree in applied physics last week and I’m noticing I don’t play as much guitar as I did before on weekdays(I haven’t played any proper guitar since Sunday and besides random noodling). In my Bachelor’s degree I would play guitar every single evening I was home and now I come home completely exhausted in the mood to sit on my couch watching TV(In this case Friends). It’s not like I don’t want to guitar(because I really feel like playing guitar for most of the day) but once I actually have time to do it I’m simply too exhausted to do it. Does anyone else have this too and how do you deal with it?

Andrew Milner

Campfire Attention Holder
  • Nov 11, 2019
    Do you feel physically or mentally exhausted? If you feel physically exhausted, then just picking up your guitar and playing some random notes while watching Friends, as others have said, should work.
    If however you feel mentally exhausted (e.g. you have a bad taste in your mouth so to say when thinking of playing guitar) then maybe that’s your mind’s way of saying that it needs a short break. That’s how I feel at the moment about writing (I’ve been doing it almost non-stop for about a month both here and on my website. with about 40 pieces of content, sometimes two or three a day) and the last two days the only thing I felt like doing in the evening after work is watching Netflix.
    You should try and analyze what sort of tiredness you’re feeling and work your way towards a solution based on that. You’ll get your groove back in the end.