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Interesting Thing I Discovered About the CAGED System


Jak Angelescu

Hey guys and dolls! I was practicing today and I was going in a 1-5-6-4 progression of the key of C (working on the CAGED in different key signatures) and I noticed that as I was practicing along with the backing track, when I landed on the Am chord, I tried to do little ‘chord embellishments’ like PG says to do, and I did it, and noticed that the Am chord uses the pentatonic scale shape of C major!! The more I’ve been using this stuff, I’m starting to see how it really all connects. I also discovered a ‘two-finger wonder ascension’ using the pentatonic shapes. You can go from the low open E string all the way to the 10th fret of the high E string using only two fingers and following the CAGED system pentatonic patterns.