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Issues with Posts?

Joey C

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Hey all, Just quick question. Is anyone else having issues trying to either start a new post or with trying to upload any clips?
I know for me, I can’t start a new post all that often, and most of them are not getting through. And I also tried to upload a clip or two and was not able to for some reason. Just curious.

Jak Angelescu

@joey Yes this definitely has been a problem for a while now. Ever since the hacking situation the team has had to severely tighten up the security. They’re still working on this issue but there’s a lot that’s going on behind the curtain that is still being addressed. I know it sucks for a lot of people but just try to be patient 😉 like Ids said, there’s a forum topic called “post your riffs here” that I created especially for the newcomers who are having issues.
You can type the title in the search bar and it will take you directly to it.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Karen Dunson

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
It won’t let me add or link to my Facebook, but I do find things tend to work better in the Chrome browser. I’ve still been able to post without being linked for the most part. It will make me do a CAPTCHA every few posts is all.