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Jak's challenge


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
So basically Jak posted his challenge in a different topic:
Challenge 1: Improv in Cmaj over the backing track in lesson 9 and post a video of you doing it. You must use at least one major scale position, one minor scale position, and a minor pentatonic position. Once you get it, post it up as a video and name the scales you used and the notes in each scale and tell me why they work 🙂
Challenge 2: Write a simple chord progression/riff for me in the key of Cmajor and post it up here.
Challenge 3: Find the backing track on Youtube for Hail To The King and improv over Syn’s solo section. Post it up here and tell us what scales you decided to use and what techniques you tried (economy, tapping, etc)
I figured we can make it a proper challenge. Everyone who’s gets a chance to pick a backing track (really any backingtracks you want) each week (so each week one person picks a backing track and we take turns) and then everroneous uploads him/her self improvising over this backing track in that week with an explanation of the scales/modes/arpeggios etc. Used.
Anybody game?

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
As long as we dont start off with like, 5 minute back track videos, I think people will be more encouraged. Maybe start off 30 seconds to a minute, and as people start to feel more confident improving and posting the first video they create. I’m sure there are times where they wanna do it all over or they feel discouraged cause they dont feel its good enough, which isn’t the real reason for doing it. So start off a little short, and gain the confidence (honestly I dont think there should ever be a set time on the back track videos.. PG’s were like 15 seconds long at times, and those melodies would stuck in my head ALL DAY). But I’d be down, I honestly dont improv enough, I’ve always been one to have my ideas laid out before touching the guitar.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Jak Angelescu

It doesn’t have to be anything more than simply shutting off the video after 30 seconds. We can just pick a backing track and if everybody wants to email me their videos I will edit them into one big compilation. We don’t necessarily need to create another backing track considering there’s thousands of them online and plenty of them here on the school 🙂
Synner Endless Summer Collection


Sold-out Crowd Surfer
Nov 11, 2019
@Sayonil I don’t to come of as rude or maybe I should have called it differently but the idea is that one of us is picking a backingtrack and we solo over that backigtrack. This week it was my turn and I picked this one https://syngates.com/lessons/harmonic-minor-the-phrygian-dominant-scale-lesson-102/ which isn’the really C major. Just trying to clear up what the idea is really. I’play check out your riff later (like tonight while watching football or something)

Jak Angelescu

@Ids, it could have been a language barrier but it’s okay. If he wanted to do it in Cmajor that’s fine too. The rest of us will do the backing track you suggested. Maybe he’s not familiar enough with that scale to do that track yet.
Synner Endless Summer Collection

Sayonil Mitra

Free Bird Player
Nov 11, 2019
Oh I am sorry about it Ids. Thanks for the clarification, I was actually a little bit confused. I did not understand it properly. You are not coming of as rude at all. ya now I get the challenge. Shall I do another one with the backing track you chose Ids?