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Just an introduction

Stephanie Sypher

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Hello all! I’m Stephanie and I am new to the site. Very excited to be learning how to play. While I am no stranger to guitars (musicians and a guitar fabricator is my family), I have never learned to play. Instead, I concentrated on vocal training. I can tell if someone is playing a les Paul, strat or gretsch and enjoy many different genres of music. I am 51 and stoked to be learning on a strat I purchased this summer that was autographed by the members of a7x (except for brooks). It was my consolation purchase after the tour was cancelled. I hope Matt is healing well and will be there for the next tour!

Stephanie Sypher

New Student
Nov 11, 2019
Well it’ll be a bit…lol. Gotta make my hands and fingers do new things! It feels odd but I know that’s to be expected, however, even with the thinner neck on this stray, I still have small hands and sometimes it is difficult to get my fingering correct.

Calvin Phillips

Music Theory Bragger
Nov 11, 2019
i debated on buying that guitar on tour but didn’t wanna throw 600 in a guitar i wouldn’t play lol. But I bet it sounds good!
If you are a vocalist you should be able to pick up on harmonies easily. I mean, half the time the solo is literally a copycat of what you are singing. And thats literally what you are trying to do right? Paint the picture in your head. Look forward to hearing some videos. Even if they are a simple melody.. I think doing videos is a huge help ina lot of ways. I encourage you to post something fun.